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Everything posted by hogscraper

  1. hogscraper

    Item shape in relation to slots.

    I miss the old way because it was faster and contrary to what you guys are saying the old way was more realistic. If I opened a backpack and started putting things into it they would would stack on top of each other. If I reached down into the bag and grabbed a bottle of water, everything else above it would not just magically float in place. Like the old system, everything would just fall down filling the empty space leaving the room at the top of the bag. I do like the new system better, though, because I can't lose gear by forcing a large item into a small space. I couldn't care less how things are sorted in my pack because I have 20 slots outside my pack now. I can put my food in on article of clothing, water in another, etc. The main problem I have is that the unrealistic way the stuff doesn't settle into the pack the way it used to in the old system means that if there are zombies on my tail I can't just grab something as I'm running by, I have to needlessly waste time organizing things. Again, though, I gladly will trade that inconvenience for never grabbing a rifle off of the ground and finding out later that it only made it into my bag because it destroyed something else I already had in there.
  2. hogscraper

    Shooting on site - Bandits

    I play hero to people that ask for help but when I run into someone randomly I retreat inside the nearest building. I let them go about their day in peace unless they are stupid enough to follow me into whatever building I took up a defensive position in. I will either kill them or die trying as they only time I allowed myself to be held up I got executed anyway.
  3. Backpacks will be teleported outside if you try to lay them down inside any higher than the first floor of a building. At least that happened to me the two times I needed to set it down. Also, The Axe Hunter of Green Mountain probably couldn't find any roofies so he used his axe to incapacitate you. You should probably get tested just in case.
  4. I was in a small fight with two other players today and ended up with black and white, blurry vision. My status was showing healthy before that and after eating a drinking a bit it said Healing. I laid down in a dark corner of a yard and slowly my vision came back to normal. I didn't get to the Healthy status without eating and drinking a ton after I had first spawned so it looks like you regen some whenever it says that. I really like that eating doesn't instantly return blood and instead you need to fill up on calories then your body slowly makes its own blood. As for sliding bodies it was cracking me up when a zombie came charging down the hill at me near Rog. I turned around to defend myself when I see the zombie fly about ten feet, hit the ground and die, then slide all the way down the entire mountain.
  5. hogscraper

    every server is dark

    For guys talking about man up and play at night it has nothing to do with not wanting to play at night. It has to do with only being able to play at night. I have had to make up my own day/night cycle by hopping between regular servers and 24/7 daylight servers. I was off work today, logged in at 10:30am (GMT-6) and the server was light. Twenty minutes later the server restarted and it was dark when it came back. I started hopping from one to another and everyone I came across in the USA was pitch black before noon. I've come across a few west coast servers that seemed to go through sunrise about an hour before I go to bed during the week. I've always wondered why so many losers mock people wanting to check out the map in the light. Its personal preference that shouldn't even register on another person's radar. I thought the hate against it was weird when my bandit friend made it clear today. He was insisting we play on night servers this morning and I asked why he was so eager to only play in the dark. He says "Its easier to get kills in the dark. You don't have to hunt your prey. You don't have to carefully stalk them or worry about them even seeing you. Its like having that suit from Crysis. All you have to do is hide in a dark corner and wait for the flashlights. And holy shit are there a lot of flashlights."
  6. hogscraper

    >Suggestion< Large city Inland

    I've walked all around that top part of the map and I followed all the roads. Cool seeing things that never existed in Chernarus before. Like scoping out my old camp site and finding a giant construction yard built a few hundred yards away. Or realizing that the devs know how brutal they made dehydration so they put water pumps alongside roads in the middle of nowhere up there. Tons of potential for fun if they ever tone down the ten fold number of barracks on the map.
  7. hogscraper

    Need Some Advice

    Most military camps are poor options for food and drink. I usually only find rotten fruit at them and those are not worth eating. Which base are you near? Most of them are pretty close to a town and the towns have water pumps. Having someone point that out to me was a huge help. Drink ten or twelve times and you should be good. As far as ammo goes, no idea on that one. I found one pack of .45 in a military building but that was it.
  8. hogscraper

    Where are you finding the Mosin?

    Didn't bother to pick them up but have seen two on the back seats of burned up cars.
  9. hogscraper

    Damaged Items

    This should never happen. Its the lesser of two evils at work. You should never be able to loot from a player if they died to another player. Maybe zombies should damage 50% of the person's items. I actually just got done playing after being killed by two guys at NEAF. One of them took a few shots at me so I ducked into a building and waited. I could have easily chickened out and logged but I don't care about the gear I found. I've even got bored and suicided in the mod just to hunt for more gear. I figured at most, I would die damaging some his gear. Ended up killing one of them and died to the other. My one consolation in getting randomly killed by some douche is that maybe some of my gear or the guy I killed's gear ends up being unusable by them. The other side of that coin is when someone attacks you and you survive but have damaged gear. Bummer but your reward is that you are alive and the other player is not.
  10. hogscraper

    The Thing About The SA

    I didn't catch your reference but that's a pretty cool persona.
  11. hogscraper

    Dayz Beautiful pictures of skins, sun and landscape

    In Steam you have to select the picture on your harddrive and upload them to the Steam cloud. THEN add them to your post.
  12. hogscraper

    Mentor for mature players

    Wow, a guy goes out of his way to try to help some people out and crybaby children freak out on him. Way to prove him wrong by taking the mature route of realizing that if you are under twenty and are not a loud mouthed know it all you are the exception, not the rule.
  13. Its not really a bug. You were hit, lost blood and will remain unconscious until you get blood or a saline bag.
  14. hogscraper

    Though Alpha, why no items on the map?

    I got to call bullshit on this. I've never died in the mod from not finding food or drink. Not once. I've already starved to death or died from dehydration six times in twelve hours of playing and even broke down and did things I never would do in the mod like server hopping. This new setup practically demands kill on sight behavior if you're not lucky enough to log in after server restarts when there's loot to be had. I've never found anything but pants, hats, masks and weapons in Kamenka, Komorovo or Balota and have died multiple times of starvation just trying to find my first piece of food. I've also spawned, got my drink filled and moved north only to find completely looted houses where I starved to death. Jumped multiple servers only to find rotten food that made me sick and eventually died from that. I wouldn't mind the rarity of loot spawns if my character could live long enough to make it past Pavlovo without starving to death. Its a few kilometers from the coast. At this point my only options are killing everyone I see in the hopes that one of them has a can opener or non-rotten food or suicide to get a spawn on East coast where I've actually been able to find food. Most of the problems people like me have been facing are probably due to the time we log in. My friends that don't work are on in the mornings and seem to find whatever they need. By evening time there isn't anything to be had. Yesterday I actually found more M4s than food. That tells anyone playing what Rocket intends for me to do with my time.
  15. hogscraper

    He already had everything.

    Well, it is depressing but its part of the game. I always have a few moments of mourning for my lost gear as I head out freshly spawned but I always move on and find more. Today I logged out on top of a building as I was out of ammo, needing to go to work and saw a couple players making their way to the building I was in. I had wanted to hit the nearby woods and log out there but that wasn't a choice. When I logged back in I was five feet in the air and off the roof, fell to the ground and broke some bones. Shit happens.
  16. hogscraper

    Quick question

    It depends on how close to death you were and what you were doing in between eating those items.
  17. hogscraper

    Good Watering Holes for New Meat

    There are also water pumps north west of the main intersection in kamarovo and another north of the market in Cherno. So far I have noticed that the old dayzdb map for the mod is still right about the pumps.
  18. hogscraper

    113822 wipes your character....

    I'm ok with wipes but they are still a bummer when you've found an item you've never seen before, then never had a chance to use it before the wipe. Although now I'm kind of happy that defibrulator isn't taking so much room in my pack. I just really wanted to know what was used for in game.
  19. hogscraper

    Melee Combat - Not as Random as it Seems!

    Had some guy rush me with a hammer, pulled out my own hammer and after five seconds of us both swinging and missing like idiots I switched to my fists. The animation showed the hammer going through him but no hits so I wasn't sure if it worked or not. Fists definitely seem to knock out zombies better when I'm not relying on thw crosshairs.
  20. hogscraper

    "quality" of food?

    I've gotten sick several times from who knows what. I was so desperate to live more than an hour that I drank and ate anything I could find. Tried to add a cooking pot to a Coleman stove then tried to add in some brown shoes I found. Didn't work but I would have eaten it if it did.
  21. hogscraper

    113772, thirst still not fixed

    At this point I'm waiting for a friend to be able to meet up. I actually collected some decent things including empty bottles and am ok with laying unconscious until they can force feed some water down my throat. I thought I read that was possible, but not sure. Also, I found a water pump but there wasn't any animation or feedback to tell me if I was actually drinking anything. Hit it four or five times before I assumed it wasn't doing anything and moved on. Can you now drink from one without a bottle or was my day one experience correct that I was already drinking from it but no animations or feedback are in game yet? I couldn't tell from the notes Rocket posted whether that and the force feed was live or in testing.
  22. hogscraper

    113772, thirst still not fixed

    Usually I'm crouched or walking while moving through towns. I also was pretty specific in saying I couldn't care less that other players have found loot. When I hit a town and every door is open on every building and they contain nothing it ends up with a wasted hour or more ending with me dying of dehydration. I guess my character, while looking fit, is actually a 500 lb smoker who can't walk more than a few miles without keeling over dead.
  23. hogscraper

    Game needs to be more fun than fake realism

    I wish they would change it to a six hour cycle so I didn't come home from work every day, see that its still light outside and log into night time in game. I don't think loot is too scarce its just that the hunger and thirst are out of control at the rates they cause unconscious. I found tons of loot so far, but have died from dehydration before I could find a container to get water in. I read that they are making it so you can drink from wells so that should help a ton. I wanted to add that the last two guns I have found were on other players' bodies that had pristine gear. I'm assuming they must have also died of dehydration because both had empty water bottles and no drinks.
  24. hogscraper

    113772, thirst still not fixed

    If this were even close to the truth of the several lives I've lived I wouldn't be so bothered by it. Spawned in Kamenka, found absolutely nothing in any house I searched, went unconscious and died halfway through Komarovo after the two drinks I found did nothing. Respawned near Elektro, found more Payday masks then drinks. Once my vision went blurry I never found enough food or drink to stop it. Went unconscious and died searching houses for more drinks. Respawned near Balota, found nothing to drink went unconscious near the apartments north of the airfield less than an hour after spawning. Gonna stay logged out and unconscious until they patch it and I can get a friend to come force feed me something. There's also a very valid point to a person finding that the Alpha they bought is not just an Alpha but completely unplayable and wanting to complain. Alpha should not have the chance for a person to spawn and have zero chance of surviving their first hour when they are not even playing the game but desperately searching for drinks the entire time. If you lucked out and found enough to drink, great. If you spent your entire life not finding enough to keep yourself alive more than an hour I think that's a valid complaint. I'm not even mad, just bummed that it wasn't released in a playable state. Looking forward to some kind of update on this one so I can play my favorite game.
  25. hogscraper

    First 30 Minutes Of Banditry!

    Way to fail horribly in making an analogy. Since you want to use Star Wars it would be more like if Han and Luke decided to gang rape Leia after they grouped up with her. Semantics can't hide your weakness. Carry on bandit wannabe.