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Everything posted by hogscraper

  1. hogscraper

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    I haven't played on public hives but once or twice in a long time since I die too much to hackers. Because of this I have ended up playing mostly without my crosshair on the screen on a couple private hives. The last time I was on public server, though, it really jumped out at me just how much easier it was to shoot guns with it on screen and it felt cheap. I'm all for removing them just to make people think a little more about where they're about to put that bullet. And Logan23, I check my gear at times to see the amount of ammo in my various clips. I like that every time you reload it just grabs the next full clip and puts the empty one back in your back. Makes you pay a little more attention to it.
  2. hogscraper


    Sounds pretty much like what your average player feel about sniper rifles...
  3. hogscraper

    What do players REALLY want?

    Hmm, tried adding your server showing 10000 ping and can't get in. Gametracker showing its online but can't seem to connect.
  4. They should definitely keep it so there are consequences or rewards for your actions but make them more defined and expansive. Make it so a hero cannot become a hero unless he is medicating/using a blood bag on someone that was injured by a bandit. Zombies are a central part of the game and I don't like that someone can become a hero for no other reason than playing the game as intended. Hero skins should come from being a hero. A bandit using a blood bag on his bandit friend should not gain humanity either.
  5. Two times recently the game trolled me hard enough that it made me want to uninstall. First one I was bored so I start exploring the map. I find this rusty, half sunken ship off the coast to the north east of the map. I figure if the map maker put it there he must have wanted people to check it out. I swim out to it and five feet away my leg breaks then I instantly die. My longest played, most kitted out guy was recently in a vehicle driving north out of Electro heading towards Berezino. Everyone else in the server had logged out as it was getting late, (local time), and I just wanted to look for a tent before I logged out myself. Then, for no reason, my car explodes. Fully green, open road and it just explodes with no one else on the server. As I'm yelling WTF? I realize that I didn't die. I was low enough on blood that my screen was going out of focus and I couldn't stand up without being knocked out. I logged out for the night and the next day spend around three hours crawling on my stomach looking for food to eat or a car to put my gear in. I finally make it to Berezino, find a car and get in. As I switch to the passenger seat to access the gear section the server freezes and kicks everyone off. After waiting for a restart I log in standing in the vehicle then instantly die.
  6. hogscraper

    What do players REALLY want?

    I would say I have to agree for the most part with these guys. I don't like joining a server where you're hand is held. The real problem you face, is that people are split and you will never please everyone. Some people will never want to play a game like Dayz because in vanilla, its hard. For some its impossible for them to grasp why anyone would want to be challenged. Too many people want their hand held. I wish someone would make their server even harder. No flying vehicles, no thermals, no sniper rifles, no nvg and zombies that don't give a crap that you're hiding in a bush/tree. That would be my ideal place to play. Listening to me though, will instantly turn off 95% of the players of this game but that's my point altogether.
  7. hogscraper

    Rules of Engagment

    I was a care free bambi trying to make my way by doing the right thing on a whitelisted server since I was told there were fewer assholes there. Then I died multiple times to people driving up and down the coast running over newly spawned players. Now I think my ROE are a little more straight forward: Did I see you first and are you wearing anything but a hero skin? Is my weapon capable of killing you without a prolonged hunt? You're dead,