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Everything posted by hogscraper

  1. hogscraper

    What Have you Expected DayZ to be?

    I was part of two competitive clans and decided since there weren't many tourney's worth playing in for BO2 I would find something to play for a week or two while I waited. Now that I've been booted from those clans for inactivity I actually had to have a friend on Steam ask me if I got the new dlc before I realized it even came out. I came expecting guns and zombies and not much else. Turns out to be one of my favorite games I've played in a while. Even got AC3 for free when I bought my new video card and other than loading the game one time, haven't even touched it. I like everything Dayz lets you do. I help a lot of people and kill a lot of people. Also enjoy just creeping around towns trying to be as stupid as possible just to see how reckless I can be and still make it out alive.
  2. I'll probably buy both and see which one looks amd plays better. Right now I'm just going to be happy with Arma2 mod and wait and see.
  3. Sounds like you guys have put a lot of work into making the server cool. Will check it out after work today!
  4. hogscraper

    What Have you Done to Survive?

    Stole some food out of a tent that was way up north. Short while later some guy is screaming about it in side chat saying he was about to starve to death and someone had taken his last can of sardines. His death spam came up in chat about a minute later.
  5. hogscraper

    DayZ Origins - The luckiest spawn of all time

    Not bad for your first spawn of episode one.
  6. hogscraper

    Help me out.

    I had the bad serial problem as well. Find the folder where your arma2 OA is, then go inside. Right click and run that as administrator. For whatever reason, when my OA beta installed, it didn't have rights to update the registry. If using steam, right click the OA beta line and see if it says register game or view cd key. If it says register game you have to manually run the games from the folder with the right click 'run as administrator' for them to fix themselves.
  7. hogscraper

    no guns shot sounds with from other players

    Currently reinstalling Arma2 and all the expansions as I have this same problem. I can hear my own gun but cannot hear any other guns being fired, even when right next to me, and no one seems to be able to hear my gun. On the one hand my DMR is silenced but on the other I have died more often since as I have no indication that I am being fired at until I get hit or they miss in the direction I am moving.
  8. hogscraper

    How does trading in this even work?

    Pretty much. Or you just find it yourself. Sucks that there is so much killing on sight that there really isn't much reason to bother trying to trade. On the other side of that, though, there isn't much in this game that I both feel that I need and can't find on my own.
  9. hogscraper

    Vehicle Not repairing

    Had a new one I've never seen. Only thing bad on the red jetta was the fuel tank. It showed oj from the scroll wheel and took a jerry with nothing to show for it. When I got into the driver's seat it was showing red on the fuel tank but still oj outside. Went back, filled the jerry, repaired the fuel tank and no amount of fuel seems to be filling the tank. Waited for a restart, and still nothing. Ended up blowing the car up so hopefully next restart it can spawn working again.
  10. I like the hallucination from illness. If you get a cold and that turns into a fever, high tmeperatures could cause them. I also like the twenty hour or at least a reduced day/night cycle. With what you have now some players have no choice but to be eternally in day or night. By the time I get off of work I can either play with 200 pings or at night. While night doesn't really bother me by itself it starts to suck when thats all you see. Its also one of the reasons I play only on private hives.
  11. hogscraper

    An easy way to build bases

    Another plus to this system is that hoarders would have all their stuff in easily accessible places instead of in the middle of the northern forest. This way I can destroy everything much more easily thus re-distributing it to the rest of the server where it belongs next restart. If you try to take more than you can log out with I intend to take it away from you.
  12. hogscraper

    Question i need answered please

    Don't know if this issue is specific to me or the people you mentioned but there is an option that you can check or uncheck in Dayzcommander that says launch using Steam. Any time I have that enabled I get a script error. Mentioning this in case you have trouble with commander. I bought Arma2 through Steam but Steam doesn't need to be running to have commander launch the game.
  13. hogscraper

    Easter Egg Question

    Since I love the fact that Dayz allows us to make our own stories, I would want this to be extremely minimalist, but it would be cool if one in 100,000 zombies killed happened to have some kind of note on them. Something detailing their life or its coming to an end like a fragment of a journal or something. I really liked the L4D series where you could see all of these writings on the walls of the saferooms and since its very minimal, your mind gets to fill in all of the blanks instead of being walked through some lame story you don't care about.
  14. hogscraper

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Its the sheer quantity of the adds, the silliness of the names and the obvious reasons for them. People generally don't take to well to people's ego when it gets out of control. Had Rocket added Rocket Cola to the game people would say that's cool. Adding four to five times as many items as was already in game and making stupid names for them is what has people in an uproar. There is no denying that many, many times on this forum mods have acted like selfish children in giving out warning points or closing threads. Mods here are not just users and when you have that responsibility you have to act like it. Some of them do not act like adults and its insulting to see their names in game. It adds insult to injury when you have broken things that have been there since that causes servers to run previous patches and here comes a new patch that ignores those issues while piling on useless crap. Save that kind of stuff until the end when you actually have a reason to celebrate.
  15. hogscraper

    We Need Twinkies!!

    While there were some decent fixes in this patch some things had me scratching my head. Got to say I was a little disappointed that they not only crippled zombies but added a bunch of food items with down right stupid names.
  16. How is this different from the bi-plane in game for the vast majority of players? I love that out of most of the players on my main server, there are zero other players that have successfully landed this thing. As time has gone by, the only people that mess with the bi-plane fresh spawns are me and new players that haven't died yet. I didn't magically learn to land this thing, I spent time putting all my gear in a hidden tent and trying my hand at flying it. Took a few deaths, but those deaths were worth learning something that other people never will. I feel the same way about a lot of things in this game where people take for granted that they are in a game, and deserve to be an expert at everything the game presents. I've taught shooting classes and know first hand what your average person can do with a gun the first time they get their hands on one. A grand total of nothing. I feel the same way towards people wanting to just jump in a helicopter and fly it away like this is an arcade game. And the mind blowing part is that even though this game has one of the most simplified huey operations out there already, people still can't seem to fly them without dying half the time. I would love to see them actually add in mechanics that reward a person who takes the time to learn something and therefore make that skill valuable.
  17. hogscraper

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    I agree that how it is used and what can be seen on the ground matters a lot. Not from a prudish standpoint, though, but from a 'I really don't think 100's of piles of shit laying around Elektro add anything but stupidity to the game'. If it involuntarily forces you to crap your pants, I can only hope people start KOS anyone with that skin, like they would a bandit skin.
  18. Since you said you are using dayz.st you go to the control panel and on the left bottom click on edit database. Click Bliss### on the left side. Then click instance vehicle. Inside there is the location of every vehicle that is spawned on your server. You can then change the location information then restart the server to see the results. There are a few ways that you can get the information you need. Either find it in the log mentioned above or hope you have some free time. If you need an in depth guide let me know and I can write one here on this site after work today.
  19. hogscraper

    Help with vehicle spawn script

    Something else to look into is whether or not cleanup of deatroyed vehicles is happenimg. I had an issue with another host where even though the blown up vehicles were not loading after a restart they were still taking up spots in the database which kept me from adding more. If you have access to your database look under all of the sections for vehicles and see if there aren't a bunch there. If you are spawning from a script for id and placement in world and don't need the database except for definitions delete everything that has a position/azimut.
  20. hogscraper

    Suicide Option? More Suggestions....

    There are already multiple suicide mechanics in the game. One is opening a door that you are standin too close to. Another is called the Lee Enfield. There is also some kind of hack that makes a player pull out their sidearm and shoot themselves in the head. Since I've seen this animation happen to someone its already in the game, its.just not.usable without hacks.
  21. hogscraper

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    In fact, they would be the same faeries that allow you to shoot a sniper rifle with ease while foregoing hours upon hours of practice. These same faeries already allow you to even start up a huey as well as fly one without crashing and dying upon take off. Those are, however, a completely different set of mythical forest creatures from those who allow you to experience a zombie apocalypse, which, whether you recognize it as fact or not, has not yet happened on planet Earth. Did you shed actual tears when Twilight decided their vampires should sparkle, because you sound like you did. I always laugh at fools that think make believe stuff should somehow be something other than make believe stuff.
  22. hogscraper

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    Just throwing this out there, but please, if you put in NPC's, please let them be killable. I would love to revel in the precious, tasty tears of some noob screaming, 'No! I wanted to search aimlessly in the woods for a piece of garbage gun I can find anywhere! Have you no soul!' I would reply 'Yes, and I also have the beans I just looted off your farmer bob npc!' At the least, maybe one day they could implement a job system. I post a job or an item I want, and the reward I offer is immediately taken out of my inventory. Whoever completes this trade or job has the thing I want removed and both things are placed into secret caches that only the recipient has the coords for. That way we have more interaction between players, and the stories that are told are ours alone to write and to keep. No offense to anyone making this game, but some of the things I've been a part of in the last few weeks could never be written into a game. They happened because people are only human and our actions dictated the outcomes, not some algorithm.
  23. hogscraper

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    I thought the same thing when I saw all of those apartments! As to the poster above you, I can't see the bad outweighing the good with the one character per account. Since one of the primary things they are doing by moving everything server side is to limit hacking, I am willing to put up with a lot of limitations to achieve this. The main thing to look at here, though, is that he said one LIVE character per account. If your character dies, it seems like you could delete that guy and make another if you wanted. Or stash your gear somewhere, delete that character and make another guy to go pick up everything. I don't see this being any kind of limitation to live streamers or youtubers in general other than taking that one extra step before making an 'unknown' character to make films with.
  24. hogscraper

    DayZero (No Hackers)

    I re-read his post twice and can't find where he says there are no hackers because of the mod. It looks like they have active admins which always means less damage by hackers in general once they arrive. They are whitelisted, another way to keep many lazy hackers at bay. They have added in their own custom anti-cheat scripts. Oh, and this isn't Dayz but a different mod you have to download. All those things together definitely would lead me to believe that the vast majority of players will never see these servers and with them, the vast majority of hackers. Never even heard of this mod but it seems like these guys have put in a lot of work on fixing alot of issues plaguing the Dayz mod at the moment.
  25. hogscraper

    Waypoints only allowed with a GPS

    I think this is more along the lines of how far is too far in trying to make it realistic. Should they make broken legs actually take 6-8 weeks of in game time to heal? Why not have broken bones have a near 100% chance of being permanently hobbled/restricted in some manner since a splint has little chance to allow a leg to heal correctly if set in the field by an inexperienced person? Especially so if its being used over the time it takes to heal. Why not force a player to boil water for 30 minutes game time to ensure its safe to drink? Why not make exhaustion force your player into unconsciousness at random times regardless of what you're doing if your player hasn't slept enough? Why not? Because eventually you're not playing a game but one of these 'real' type simulators where it takes 5-10 minutes just to spin up a helicopter. Games are so supposed to be fun at some point, not just pointlessly tedious. If its something you like to do manually, why not just do it instead of crying about other people using it?