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Everything posted by hogscraper

  1. Once I get a gun, even if its an enfield, I head north, kill my own food, scavenge for water, and steal people's shit. Why? I decided one day, for no reason, that I hate hoarders. Nothing personal but I work to take from them and give to the poor. I take heli's and park them in Stary. Take cars, offer to give a player a ride, then surprise them with a free car at the end of it. I have spent entire evenings riding a bicycle through the north, quardrant by quadrant until I find something. What people that cry hacker fail to understand is that the woods are where people hide shit and most people know it. If your server has two helis, expect the one you found to never be safe. Someone will find the other, then use it solely to find and take yours.
  2. I made a commitment to watch the whole thing and must say there wasn't anything that hooked me. People like to watch videos of people overcoming adversity. You used another YTer's intro music, which didn't bother me, but doing so says you want to be like him. Whether or not a person agrees that that is a good thing, your entire video was things that guy wouldn't do. People like watching him, whether they feel he is scripted or not, because most of his vids show him overcoming some threat to his life. Just getting kills will not likely get you many viewers especially when those kills were a given. Every kill you got, the better story would if the other guy killed you. Stash your best gear and put yourself in dangerous situations. Purposefully try to kill people who outnumber you and die a dozen times trying. That one time you kill them, if you ever do, will result in the kind of epic video people like to watch.
  3. It depends on whether or not you're on public or private hives and how geared you are. I don't play on too many public servers any more but when I did, I would work the system to my advantage. I hated people who sniped from the North hill so I did whatever I could to kill them. Sometimes I would find a zero population server, head to the backside of that hill, log out, then log back in to the server I normally played on. Sneak up, kill anyone I found there, take their gear and forget about ever going into Elektro. On a private server simply knowing where the snipers might be posted up, (hills or rooftops but might be different for every server), then use the surrounding hills and buildings to block the sight lines of those spots. Worst case scenario and you absolutely feel the need to go in but don't want to die? Swim out into the water from down the coast and slowly work your way inbound. Elektro has a decent amount of stuff right up to the water in spots so you might find a path that keeps you alive a lot longer. The downside to doing that is its very slow and I only did it when there was a large gang of people roaming the town and I had planned on trying to ambush them, (why I needed to go in geared and stay alive).
  4. hogscraper

    downloading arma 2/dayz instalation

    From what I've heard from friends trying to get in cheap, you need OA and can use the free version of Arma2. The biggest difference is you will be playing Dayz will the lowest possible graphics quality. If you have a low end PC, you might have been on that path anyway. If nothing else you can still play while only buying OA. I don't know if this is relevant or possible any more but it definitely worked for a couple of my friends last winter: http://kodabar.blogspot.com/2012/05/how-to-install-dayz-with-arma-2-free.html Good luck:)
  5. Maybe, and this is a huge maybe, if the spawn rates are dropped enough, there might eventually be a huge deficit of guns and ammo in the game that might lead to people being cautious. Otherwise I think this will ultimately hurt the game. I can't see that there is any benefit at all here. For those trying to kill or rob for gear the drive MIGHT make them more cautious but will most likely cause them to kill MORE people on sight when they go to their kill and find broken gear. For the victim, who rises up to the challenge and kills their attacker, there is a much greater chance that they will have nothing to loot from their encounter. When someone tries to rob me now, I go on the attack knowing that the risk to my life has the possible reward of finding things on their corpse I can use. In SA I will be defending my life, causing a racket and drawing zombies and other players to the area, with less chance to have anything in that situation go my way except surviving. I think the gains in people not killing for gear will be offset by people knowing that if they are about to robbed, shooting at their attackers increases the chances that attacker will get nothing if the victim dies. Some guy trying to rob me now is most likely still going to end with me dying. Once enough people realize that fighting back might stop a robbery the chances of those same people rolling the dice and just shooting them first goes way up. Count how many times you've died, but had the pleasure of making it back to your corpse and get a few supplies before moving on. SA makes it so that you have little chance of recovering gear? Its a lose-lose-lose-lose situation.
  6. hogscraper

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    I was just reading the log and wondering if its Christmas already? So much good stuff in there!
  7. hogscraper

    I'm screwed

    While I don't think combat logging is cool, that's for people playing Dayz on real Dayz servers. For kids playing on servers with bases and tanks, why not? You're already playing on a server that makes every reason for playing Dayz pointless. Hell, you should have just nuked the server then scripted in another tank. That would teach him to not expertly sneak up to, enter and drive away in a tank that had someone in the gunner position. That would teach him real good.
  8. hogscraper

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    So now, when some douche bag kills somebody for fun, that victim not only dies but has zero reason to try and make it back to their corpse in the hopes that the killer moved on? Most of the times I've died the person killing me took little from my corpse outside a weapon, ammo or backpack and many times nothing at all. Now every thing just gets destroyed. The only real risk to a guy killing every single player he sees is the brief time when he goes to loot his victim's corpse. Now they know to just kill and move on. Doesn't sound fun at all.
  9. hogscraper

    Dayz walking simulator.

    I like the long travel times. It doesn't add realism, fuck realism to be honest. Taking dumps and needing toilet paper so I don't get a disease? That part of realism adds absolutely nothing to what makes the game awesome. What long travel times add is tension. If I could respawn and quickly get anywhere on the map, the one thing that makes Dayz worth playing would disappear. Tension is why my heart starts pounding when I hear a gun shot or get surrounded by zombies. Why? Because I invested the time to get somewhere other than the coast and I don't want to lose that investment. Going black and white, getting a bandage on at <1000 blood, having a broken leg, blacking out every few yards and crawling halfway across the map was probably the most intense thing that has ever happened to me in a video game. The first few minutes pissed me off, but I will always remember that journey for the emotion that a damn video game made me feel. Having any, free transportation right at spawn would have made me pick a bush and suicide. Hungry? Screw it, suicide. Thirsty or infected? Screw it, suicide. Here lately it seems like a lot of people are doing that any way and hoping for the easy fix back to where their corpse is lying.
  10. hogscraper

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Why so many updates saying sorry there's been nothing to report because things have been changing and we're afraid that what we report today will be wrong tomorrow? How is that even possible unless development is going absolutely nowhere? If you guys have more important things to do, just say you don't want to be bothered with devblogs. We'd understand.
  11. hogscraper

    DayZ Forum Downtime

    Welcome back forums!
  12. hogscraper

    New player with a few questions

    I would suggest playing normal without any mods on a private hive. Public servers are a crapshoot as to whether or not you will have fun or find a hackerfest or just run into a bunch of trolls. I would suggest getting Dayz Commander, setting that up, patching everything you need then just look for a moderately filled private server. There are tons of servers being advertised in the server area of this forum. Just pick one and have fun. Just remember there are thousands of different personalities running servers and it may take a while to find one you like. Trust me, though, finding a server full of like-minded people like yourself is worth the time you put in finding one. Some are noob friendly, some are noob aggressive. Just don't get mad, no matter what happens, leave and find another server that suits you. If you are new, never use voice over side chat, (the blue one). Doesn't matter if people are ignoring your text chat. Doesn't matter if you are being raped by a horde of zombies and you can't take time to type. That one thing will make most people on most servers instantly hate you if they have rules against it and many do. Never tell another player where you are located through in game chat. If you care nothing for your life and want to roll the dice on all the gear you are carrying, feel free. Bandits will kill you for your gear or for fun. Assume everyone in the game is hostile until they prove otherwise. I've run into a ton of players acting like new guys, asking for help, then trying to shoot me. You may feel that not shooting some guy you come across who is yelling "FRIENDLY!" is the right thing to do, but never assume it will work for you. Many people are cool and will simply watch you with their gun drawn, many people will shoot you no matter what. That also means, never running up on a player you don't know. Crap happens and sometimes you round a corner into another player's face, but seeing a player then running towards them, (if you don't know each other), will almost always get you shot. If you know people, though, or even meet someone cool, try to get comms outside of game to talk where others can't find you. Skype, TeamSpeak, Ventrillo, whatever. You will also have to buy the standalone once it comes out since you really didn't buy Dayz, just Arma2.
  13. hogscraper

    DayZMod Q&A with R4Z0R49

    Stopped watching at "uh, can you change the loot tables so sniper rifles will spawn in houses?".
  14. I have a 275 hours or so in Arma3 and a grand total of zero in arma-anything else outside of Dayz. No idea why, either. Just something about the earlier ones that I didn't care for. I've played Dayz on Utes and definitely looking forward to the different dynamic of having it alongside Cherno instead of on its own.
  15. After playing Dayz deathmatch around several servers I got bored until I found one with outposts here and there. Definitely more of a challenge there. If you're sure that one enter key is dead, why not use the other? Or worst case scenario, both are broken and you can't afford another keyboard, rebind the += button next to backspace to enter since those are on the keypad anyways:)
  16. Not sure how many "traditional" hacks will work on this new setup they keep talking about. Loot duping should be done with entirely. Anything to do with ones attributes, (health, food, drink, wounds), are kept entirely server-side so god mode and killing scripts should be impossible so long as the server double checks damage between the attacker and victim and not just one of them. Teleporting is server side. Creation of anything in game is server side. ESP hacks might work at close ranges but that depends on whether or not the server broadcasts the locations of everything within X meters to your client and not just the things you can directly see. Changing that could eliminate ESP hacks or at least limit them. Then if they add VAC and Battleeye together it might help make hacking much less an issue than it is right now. At least I hope it does as it sounds pretty promising as is.
  17. The fail troll is strong in this one.
  18. hogscraper

    Help Please!

    This link seems to help some people with the key issue. I had the same type of problem back in December when I tried to get it all installed myself. http://steamcommunity.com/app/33930/discussions/0/864957183014894921/ If some of the things are not registering properly the rest of the errors will follow.
  19. hogscraper

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Man there's so much crying about this patch. Get over it or go back to Farmville where you belong. Its a zombie apocalypse. You get hit, you get infected. There aren't any zombie universes in fiction where you get hit 200 times in an hour and somehow live. The devs have already been nice enough to give you the ability to survive a hit. Every time I read about a server owner rolling back to an easier patch I wonder why they're even bothering with Dayz to begin with. Seriously, why aren't they just running Arma2 and being done with if they don't want to be bothered with having to deal with zombies the way zombies should be dealt with? What kind of person would chose to go into the biggest city in their country, for any reason whatsoever, during a zombie apocalypse? Its a huge map with a lot of possibilities if you chose to go it alone. Just don't bother crying because you want the game to be a watered down version that the devs don't want it to be. Rocket keeps saying he will not vary from his original vision. What the hell will all these poor crybabies do when SA comes out?
  20. hogscraper

    Get rid of chernarus.

    I don't think he's saying specifically because its the USA but because we have a shit ton of guns over here. People say you shouldn't have X gun in Dayz because its unrealistic that it would exist in an Eastern European country and he wants a lot of different choices. He's showing a lack of forethought, though, in having no idea what goes into making an Arma engine based map. The map itself could more easily be changed just by changing the signs and new vehicles added as an easier way to make it the USA, but personally I hate that idea. I love the fact that Cyrillic is an alphabet I now know and can read the signs but I learned it only because of this game. I also think it would be much easier to say a global zombie infection started in Chernarus and military forces from all over came there to help out before the zombies overran everything. Easy way to introduce any weapon in the world if that's what you wanted.
  21. /salute This patch is so much more of what I loved about Dayz when I first started playing. Even back then, loot felt scarce because I had no idea where to find it. Now they've captured that feeling of not knowing when or where you might find your next meal. I was actually playing Dayz by carrying nothing more than a revolver and a hatchet most days as that was what made hunting for loot challenging. Thank you for making it feel like I am surviving against zombies again and not just people. And thank you for getting rid of the .50 cals. They had no place in Dayz except countering armed helis, but I don't think those have any place in Dayz either so we're half way there. I feel Dayz should be about making people earn both their survival and their kills. Its the apocalypse, nothing should come easy. This patch has helped both those things and I'm definitely liking the 'new' Dayz.
  22. hogscraper

    If DayZ was made in the 90's

    Screw Mario. I would have definitely played that game. Pretty accurate except for most of the 90's games didn't go online except through lan. And first time my friends tried to cheat, I would just cross the room and kick them out of their chair.
  23. hogscraper

    What are beans in DAY-Z?

    They also, generally, mean more than other types of food because most servers that start you off with food will start you off with a can of beans. Its the first food item that 99% of everyone playing this game ate the first time their food meter started blinking.
  24. You are right Fraggle, but it usually happens much earlier than 113 posts in a forum users posting life. A lot of people just don't get that it all comes down to what the game allows people to do. Games that allow people to be assholes will always draw more assholes than not. If more people playing like that style, and rocket likes that style people need to get over it. I think my first couple posts were coming here crying about the same sorts of things. I spent half my time play Dayz and half playing COD and still got butthurt when I was just trying to enjoy the survival aspect and some guy would just kill me for no reason. I don't even have a clue as to why I thought that wouldn't happen. I just enjoyed surviving and didn't like being drawn into the pvp. Now though? I kill everything that moves. Sometimes my friends even get shot when I get a little excited. Now I even go into Elektro with nothing but an enfield and a pack full of ammo, bandages and morphine looking for a fight. What changed for me was finally realizing that this wasn't an MMO. Gear is nothing. It took me two months to finally get all of my gear that I wanted my first time in the game. Now I know where to go and can get most of what I want in a couple hours. Dying means absolutely nothing to me in a negative sense and everything in a positive sense. Dying is now something I try to do. There is no challenge to this game against zombies if you are completely geared out. I try to take on every zombie I can with a pistol, run like an idiot through a town and THEN try to survive. Had to edit because I saw Gonzo's post. That guy is the best. I have personally killed off an entire bandit clan because they were harrassing him. One guy and I wiped the biggest group of bandits off the server. Man up, play the game how you want but always keep in mind that thousands of others who may not think the same way as you are doing the same.
  25. hogscraper

    Real world map of Chernarus

    I was using an app called Dayz Central Pro. Awesome for quick glances at the map or find things like ranging of scopes. Ended up picking up a 22" monitor that a relative didn't need and that was much better for putting the map up. While not overly practical if that big, your idea still sounds pretty cool for realism.