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Everything posted by Wildselv

  1. IP, No evidence, but posting this thread in light that the admins of this server get online asap as there is currently players dropping loot boxes, spawning vehicles and ghosting. This started to occur around 2pm NZ time. The server will likely need a roll back. I advise players to avoid this server like the plague.
  2. Wildselv

    Traders and Traitors

    Instead of only displaying one number, be it positive or negative, you should show both the successful trades and the number of negative trades side by side. The principle being that its easy for 3-4 friends to pretend to have had positive trades to get into the positives, to lure in a potential seller and steal their items. However if you see for example WildSelv +4, -2 you'd see I have had 4 successful trades but 2 of them were not suggesting that the 4 successful trades were fake.