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About rebel_justin

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  1. rebel_justin

    my tips for new players

    ok so im a new player to dayz and ever since then i could not get past the cherno because of spawn killers or bandits, so that being so i didnt know the map so what i did is go into a server with 3-7 people and get loot and explore since then i learned the map and got decent loot now i go into full servers and can actually have fun.
  2. rebel_justin

    Why is everyone shooting on sight today?

    not for me I actually met a lot of nice people
  3. rebel_justin

    FPS issues

    i watched several videos and did the document thing and that gave me an extra 5fps
  4. rebel_justin

    FPS issues

    i have a intel i5 3470 which i think is plenty
  5. rebel_justin

    FPS issues

    that good i would like to be able to get a stable 50-60 fps like on other games. also right now i get the same fps with my settings on max and on low?
  6. rebel_justin

    FPS issues

    ok so right now im running dayz at about 20-33 fps in cities and 45-55 fps everywhere else on a 6870. im guessing this is average but will the standalone be able to get better fps
  7. rebel_justin


    i applied on your site yesterday so i guess im waiting for a password
  8. rebel_justin

    survivor HQ- australia

    btw im Canadian
  9. rebel_justin

    survivor HQ- australia

    AGE 16 Dayz lived- um i have been playing for around a month so maybe a week Class- Medic/Infantry. so i guess combat medic :) Have you been in a clan before- not in dayz :( Are you geared already - this morning i was hacked but i can get gear pretty fast What can you bring to this Squadron - a fun time and good medical support ]Have you ever committed banditry - nope i have strict rules where never shoot an unarmed guy and only shoot if they shoot first. Do you have skype- Rebel_Justin