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Everything posted by lass90

  1. lass90

    [Video] Just saw rocket fanart collection

    This is awesome, thanks for all people who have makes the pictures ! (http://dayzmod.com/f...w-rocket-again/) and at you, De4dCert, for have made this video! i will diffuse it on the others dayZ forums !
  2. Rockets must understand, that it isn't normal to abandon the community of his game. It's not a hater message, just a questionning... why he didn't post a message before the christmass week for saying that the release coming more later ? Now, he said that he will give more information, so we will waiting... but it's normal that the people don't happy, we are waiting for nothing. If he will doing that he said, all trouble will be disapear. The priority isn't that the SA will sale tomorrow on steam, but just, he give news... the lack of news had frustrated lot of people (and me too), we will just want to get more and more excited about the development , like he is... Lesson first: The news is an addictive drug, if the community don't have, it become like a zombies... it isn't against him, it's an accumulated feeling. In definitly, take your time for release a good game and give more news! nobody hates rockets, it's just we are very frustrat and in this topic the pression falls slowly. (Sorry for my english, I hope you could understand what I wrote)
  3. Thanks for news, but now i waiting to see if you give regularly news of the development for being happy. And for the game's developpement, take your time and good luck !
  4. Technically, it should have been released in December, but If the game would have 6 months late, we would know already. So wait and see...
  5. I think you're right. As long as the players have no news of the Standalone, they will bought arma 2 for make up the lack of day z SA. So, i think after steam sold, they will magically give news to the community and announce that standalone is ready for out. Because, if BI was logical in commercial way for day z, they will already gave news (sorry for my english, i'm french: It's like being mentally deficient for the others languages :P)