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About SteamyBeans

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  1. Now this I like ^ I would like to see them rarer, which after this update I have yet to find a .50 cal. On servers that haven't banned them. Before, it was like every heli crash had either a barret or an as50. Same goes with the ammo, making it hard to find.
  2. Here is another example, if you have a heli shooting at you, or one of the new black hawks, a dmr isn't going to cut it. Might as well get rid of all the LMGs. Hell, might as well only allow pistols in this game. I'm a sniper, I enjoy sniping, call me names and whatnot for sniping, don't get so upset because you have been killed by a sniper. You gotta be smart in DayZ and see the sniper before they see you. I've only been killed by a sniper two or three times on dayZ and that's when I was a noob at it. Now before I go anywhere I scope the area out. What usually kills me is when I'm within 50 meters of someone. If you are good at sniping, you can kill anyone in one shot, no matter As50 or CZ550
  3. Plus, since the latest update I've seen only one heli crash.
  4. I would have to disagree. If there is a zombie apocalypse right now who would stop you from using a sniper rifle? Might as well ban the DMR for being able to use night vision with it and the dmr is basically a automatic sniper if you can click dad enough. I use snipers all the time to cover my friends whenever they go into a highly populated area so we don't get killed.
  5. I thought the scoreboard was glitched, since there is a big white line in the middle of my screen. And I used it to see which players were Bambi's and what not. And I really hope the fix that thing with the m107. Every server has banned them from what I have seen.
  6. Almost every server I go to they ban the M107 due to its "locking on" capabilities. Does anyone know if the next patch will fix this? Because the M107 is my favorite gun in this game. Also, has anyone else noticed that the scoreboard no longer works? Is that also a glitch?
  7. SteamyBeans

    Weird nameplate????

    The server is private hive. Died again today because the user "Rick Grimes" teleported and mowed me down wit a machine gun Hackers make this game terrible.
  8. SteamyBeans

    Weird nameplate????

    What's ESP? An every server I go to there are hackers. Haven't been to one yet where some idiot hasn't screwed things up.
  9. SteamyBeans

    Does sidechat ruin anyone elses game?

    I like side chat. Just mute the people who over use it and your problem is solved.
  10. SteamyBeans

    Weird nameplate????

    No I'm not a hacker. I barely knew how to get DayZ to work with arma2. Though, this server I play on is notorious for hackers. There were around 13 people on at the time and that persons name was the only one I could see. I got worried I would die somehow so I left.
  11. SteamyBeans

    Weird nameplate????

    Today when I was playing day z, I ran up a dirt road and into a barn to look for some loot. Well when I ran into the barn and I saw a name tag of another player online. Which I know shows up if you hover your mouse over someone, but this was different. The nameplate was a purplish-pink color and it said how far they were away, which was about one click. Plus their name tag never disappeared, even if I was looking in the complete opposite direction the name tag was still there. I've never seen this in my life, can someone tell me what it is?
  12. SteamyBeans

    Having MAJOR problems..

    Ok so i clicked on install for the dayz mod on the dayz commander and it said "The remote name cannot be resolved "cdn.dayz.st"
  13. SteamyBeans

    Having MAJOR problems..

    Im going to give commander another try. If that fails then i will look up that video.
  14. SteamyBeans

    Having MAJOR problems..

    Installed and ran all of them. So just use dayz commander to install the mod, not the mirror links provided? Under the install/update button on dayz commander, it has the dayz mod, beta pach for download? I did try to download namalsk before, And it did the same thing except the opening screen said "namalsk crisis." Also, i do not need to download OA beta, right?
  15. SteamyBeans

    Having MAJOR problems..

    So not dayz commander? And i already launched both games before i tried the mod.