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Everything posted by Migano

  1. Hello everyone, i saw the youtube videos and heard about the concept, and i loved it! So i decided to buy arma 2 and the expansion to play this awesome game! ... And what a fail this was... I spend 3(!!!) hours, trying to connect to a server, joining 2 times in the debug forst without any items, and the rest of the time watching "Waiting server response". Then i finally made it! I joined a game, what joy that was... but the controls are really bad and my vision is incredibly blurry ... after 10 minutes i had such a bad headache, that i had to quit the game! WTF?! Really? Thank you for letting me waste my money...
  2. Migano

    This game ... !

    Its more that my battleye is broken and i get kicked all the time ... i tried new installation, downloading the newest .dll ... doesnt help
  3. Migano

    This game ... !

    Thanks for the advice, i will try that, when i am able to join a game .. in like 1-2 hours
  4. Migano

    This game ... !

    I dont care that its alpha or has bugs, but the gameplay is just HORRBILE! weird control, and everything is ******* blurry, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE BLURRY?!?!?!?!