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About Voxelcake

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    On the Coast
  1. I thought ArmA 2 supports multiple processors? Maybe ArmA 2 isn't just optimized.
  2. Just registered for this. The RamDisk is a good idea.. But NEVER ever RAID your SSDs. AFAIK, TRIM will not work if the SSD is RAID'd. You will suffer performance issues in your SSD if TRIM is not on. Here's a link to TRIM. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIM For geeks, there is no such sentence as "too much ram." RAM is cheap nowadays. 32GB of RAM will benefit him in his occupation and in the future. And I don't know why you guys choose dual 680s over a 690. (if not about price) The dual 680s might be powerful, but the latency between the GPUs, god. (Not noticable by a common person though.)