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About Faaith

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Bio
    x.Extremely good DayZ sniper.
  1. Faaith

    Globally Banned?

    Haha, you obviously did not feel the irony
  2. Faaith

    Globally Banned?

    Your a dirty damn hacker.
  3. Hello all. My name is faith, i recently started to play DayZ agian, I stopped playing it since WarZ came out, but now WarZ entirely hacker based, so i decided to leave it and join DayZ agian. The reason i made this post was becouse im looking for a squad/team to play with, would prefer 3-5 people and not more. My prefered role is Sniper/Assualt, I see myself pretty pro, If you would like to ask me question or anything, feel free to post a comment.