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Everything posted by henker899

  1. 10x10km2 is Perfect for vehicles / helicopters. I can't wait till they are in!
  2. henker899

    Night time In Dayz SA and your thoughts?

    It's too long. I think it was a cool idea to use real world time, but nighttime turned out to be more of a server cleaner then anything, people in a great majority don't want to play in the dark. The Day / Night cycle needs to be shorter, and a lot shorter. I'd make a day in dayz 4 hours, with about 1,5 hours of real darkness, 0,5 hours twighlight. and 2 hours daytime. As soon as gameplay mechanics that will tie players to a server have been introduced (anything from vehicles, tents, bases, to private hives) people will have to deal with the darkness. If this will happen with the current 8+ hours of darkness, people will just make their home base on servers where there's light during their normal play hours.
  3. henker899

    Dayz Stand Alone Lack Of Items

    Wrong. It's a open alpha for which he even paid money. It's common for open alpha's to give a good impresison of the what the game is going to be like once finished, and for the devs to find bugs and stress test their systems. Operating on a understanding that videogames should be entertaining / fun to play, an open alpha should convey that 'fun' as best it can, while dealing with unfinished or unimplemented mechanics and bugs. Also wrong is the fact that you think Bodycount69 has a job while playing this game. He has not. He is not getting paid, nor is there any moral obligation to provide labour in any way for BI. If he decides he doesn't want to report bugs, that's completely fine. The most wrong thing in your post is your edit though. What an complete asshole would someone have to be to write something like that. Why would you asume anything for anybody on this forum? Did I miss the corronation of King Weparo, He Who Shall Insult Any N00b New To The Kingdom?? Not only that, but you somehow tie an avatar of a soldier to what? A KoS player? :o Nooo. Not a pvp player, in a open world pvp survival game. That bastard!! Because of his play-style he should be Shunned from the community! I can state, based on the numerous negative replies to your posts here, that you might be the one that can do Us a favor....
  4. Hi all. After about a month of solo'ing, I feel I've reached about the limits of what I can do as 1 man. My info: Age: 29 Mic: Yes, ofcourse DayZ expierence: A month of solo play, only Chernarus. Been to pretty much all of the map, driven multiple vehicles, and am a decent chopper pilot. I'm a good shot with any assault rifle, started using snipers to this last week DayZ role: Hero. I like helping Bambi's / killing bandits FPS expierence: A lot, too much to note :P I'm looking for players of at least 20 years old, and a mic. PM me or reply if you're interested :) Greetings, Thomas
  5. henker899

    We are Notorious. Mature gamers only.

    Ahh, I started a thread before seeing this one. I'm 29, got a month DayZ experience, are you guys still looking for people? Check out my thread for more info: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/115531-im-done-solo-ing-look-for-team-20/
  6. henker899

    Former US Marine Looking for a Solid Team

    Hi Woodruff, I'm looking for people over 20 to play with, check out my thread for more info if you're interested http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/115531-im-done-solo-ing-look-for-team-20/
  7. henker899

    Looking people to play DayZ with?

    Hey man, Im looking for someone older then 20 to team up with, here's my topic: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/115531-im-done-solo-ing-look-for-team-20/