As many may of seen, with the increase of players coming into this excellent mod, many are attempting to ruin it for other players by not treating it as a survival of the fittest but as a run and gun FPS. Some people may disagree with this, but here is my suggestion for balancing without ruining the fun. What is it: An insanity meter, the more players you kill the more you become insane. Mechanic: Killing players will make your insanity rise, causing such affects as: trembling, harder to turn, harder to aim, hallucinations (probably impossible to implement), inventory item names become gibberish and screaming/laughing at random times. The more insanity the more of them and stronger effects they will be. Methods of insanity meter decay: A few ways to go about this: 1. Have it just decay over time, or have zombie kills detract from it (less fun method) 2. Add a new drug, like prozac, that will either reduce your insanity meter or just reduce the effects of a period of time then return to how it was before. 3. (this is a silly idea) Items you give to players reduces your insanity Suggestions of implementation: To attempt to balance players who are killing in self defense and should not be as badly punish, could try using a formula going along something like: insanityMetre += playersKilled * insanityMeter / (timeAlive * zombieKills) I am very bad at maths so this may be a silly equation, but hopefully you can see that the more zombie kills and time alive the less will be added to insanity meter, and the more players killed and the higher the insanity meter the faster it will increase. I may add more to this post if I have any more ideas/balancing issues. Please reply with any suggestions/criticism but PLEASE lets not make this a thread about if PvP punishment should even exist.