Yo guys. Since IE is sadly down forever looks like, any of u know any other similiar server ? I mean, no .50cal guns(this is must have) running on .com version of taviana?
i see and i was there, when that stupid fag Felix cry how he lost everythink and bla bla while he was first time on server. Anyway its sad, that it is at old version again, .eu version is rly mutch better.
Hey torn, great work with servers, i rly liked old one and .eu taviana map is even better(with all your tweaks added back up). Just few questions. What about .50cal weapons? Will they/r they be removed from game? I found some m107 mags so just curious(i myself love non-antimaterial idea, too op imo). Iam not sure if i understood line with vodnik/refuel truck correctly, will they be removed or added?(i hope for add) What about that military boat(with machinegun + grenade launcher) from original .eu taviana? and other boats? Cant find any atm. Helicopters, only uh-one or also mi16(17 or w/e is the number)? or both types? (: And last one, new hero/bandit progress? will it be added? (new uniforms) Thx 4 info