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About ughillie@gmail.com

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  1. ughillie@gmail.com

    I lasted under a minute - is that a record?

    I'll be honest, I read the title and expected something completely different. Anyway! Yeah it's possible someone was already in the hangar, or snuck around behind you. I know you're looking for the "he must have hackerported" or "he must have switched servers run behind you and switched back" answer, but tbh it sounds like there wasn't enough time for your initial attacked to try it. Bl, hit respawn bro.
  2. ughillie@gmail.com

    Mountain dew???

    Mountain Dew holds the key to unlocking the secrets of Green Mountain.
  3. ughillie@gmail.com


    I like this PURELY because it would be scary as hell running into a group of players with noticeable symptoms.
  4. ughillie@gmail.com

    LU ?!

    Oh hey, what's this? https://www.google.com.au/#hl=en&safe=off&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=LU&oq=LU&gs_l=hp.3..0l4.1277.1392.0.1631.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=c33d18147f5082cc&biw=950&bih=934
  5. I don't suppose you've ever taken a gander at the server choices us Aussies/Kiwi's have? During peak time, every server is full to max, so you take whichever slot you can get and hope your mates get in soon. I'm not sure about other regions, but your idea just wouldn't work down here.
  6. ughillie@gmail.com

    Log in, see this:

    I've heard of rocket launcher being in (and ridiculously rare), but I'm pretty sure jets can only be hacked in?
  7. ughillie@gmail.com

    Log in, see this:

    Yeah, I kinda gathered that. But with what? I've thrown frags inside before and it's barely broken the glass.
  8. ughillie@gmail.com

    Log in, see this:

    This is [was] the Zelenogorsk supermarket on NZ3, I'm really not sure what to think :huh: Thoughts?
  9. ughillie@gmail.com

    This is how Survivors get down!

    This is begging for 'Party Hard' in big letters across the top :P
  10. ughillie@gmail.com

    Olympic Horde Run - Like a Boss, on the Daily

    Damn it must have hurt to hold down W for that long, haha Awesome stuff :D
  11. ughillie@gmail.com

    The Talkie

    G'day DayZ forums! I record the odd gameplay video or two and decided DayZ was another awesome game to add to my list! Here's the vid: I'm a pretty average player, and am of course still learning a few tricks, but I hope ya'll enjoy it ;)
  12. ughillie@gmail.com

    IF this was an actual game...

    One off fee for sure. However, maybe add player and weapon skins under micro-transactions,(Think TF2 just after the Mann co store was released). Obviously no pay to win options though. EDIT: DayZ would be excellent for tournament style play imo, pay to enter tourny's with a reasonable winning payout would be sweet, and would give the game more media attention. Studio developed for sure, but stay open to suggestions and community made content that could be considered. Community servers tend to be better for most games, I've found. I'm not sure how technical the current setup is, but the hive database server system is brilliant. DO A KICKSTARTER!!! I'll put my left nut on a kickstarter for DayZ going ridiculously well, the mod has been noticed by loads of game media. Long live DayZ!