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Korben Dallas

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About Korben Dallas

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  1. Korben Dallas

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Im up for realism.. so turn off everything : no crosshairs.. no third person and no kill message etc..
  2. Mr Morgan is a free man who spend his half life looking for some zombies to play a snail race ... and meanwhile drinks loads of mountain dew.. obviously...
  3. Is either a player whos getting lured to the dark side and kills poor survivors or.... with the help of wazza stays on the path to the light side and kills bandits.. it can go either way... Edit : to the guy below... close... but no sigar!
  4. It was dark in the city of Berezino. I just had entered the city from the south... and had scavenged the 3 farms next to each other.. when i noticed the dear stand just north of it... I approached it really slowly to avoid the Z's when all of a sudden on the bottom right of my screen a gps module appears with a movie... It was so sudden and loud that it scared the crap out me and also because of that, i accidently fired my gun wich attracted a lot of Z's that i had to kill so i couldnt pay attention to the movie... but it was something with extraction bla bla bla.... Anyone else had this or similar ?
  5. Korben Dallas

    game trolls you?

    And when you DO find the last part and run back to the vehicle... thats when you get killed...
  6. Korben Dallas

    Silenced Makarov

    I'd say diversity ;) Otherwise everybody just runs with 1 type of gun wich is imo just plain boring....
  7. Korben Dallas

    Introduce yourselves

    Aloha! Leander from the Netherlands here, playing under the alias : Korben Dallas on NL servers. So far (been playing for 2 weeks now) this is a neat game ;)