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About bfanboy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bfanboy

    Incredibly low FPS!

    Um whoever told you that you have a good gaming computer is not trustworthy. Arma II is a CPU hog and you are only running a dual core 1.7ghz processor. Not to mention that but you've only got 6gb of RAM and windows 8 is using 2 of those. Your video card is integrated low end card that is rated to run Starcraft II singleplayer decently on low settings....all of this packed into a laptop makes for the opposite of a modern gaming machine. Good video cards cause alot of heat. Laptops are not the best for cooling. This equates to a good gaming laptop = $$$. Good luck.
  2. Oh my bad, I clearly should have assumed (but that would have been disrespectul of me) that by "Why do you complain about Snipers and Bandits?", you really meant "Snipers and Bandits are the shit so don't complain about them!" STUPID ME! Also I think you are a three time world champion bullshit juggler because talking to you is like talking to a wall. I didn't say I knew everything because of what I do, I said I understand better than most the evil nature of humanity and that is true no matter how much you want to word it. Working 12 hr night shifts, everyother weekend, 180 days a year you are going to see things and deal with things that everyday people who go to work and are in bed by 9pm don't even know about. This is a fact. Get over yourself. It isn't unintelligent...It's common sense. I'm done talking about my job with you, but I will point out that it proves that you assuming I don't know shit about people or human nature was truly the disrespectful comment. Your whole post is one big blob of hypocrisy. You call me out for assuming I know everything yet you cite 30 year old backpage news as "common knowledge" and then if that's not good enough you tell me YOUR occupation right after you got done preaching about how any occupation bears no merit? "PS: I am a Paramedic, with a History Degree and a Three Time World Champion Fire Juggler.... I don't claim to understand more than most people." Isn't your whole post claiming to understand everything better than I do? Please spare me...I can tell this conversation isn't going anywhere with you because you are about as stubborn as I am. My post was meant to answer your question and to offer to other readers an idea on how to have fun with this game. If you don't want assholes like me responding to your open ended questions on a public forum, private message someone who cares.
  3. What a disrespectful and unintelligent reply. First off, I am a cop in the real world. I understand better than most what people are capable of and what happens outside of the bubble that most of you live in. I also understand that most people who "murder people for their shoes" (Where the fuck did this happen by the way?) are not intelligent people and are going to be the people that are walking around moaning and wanting to eat brains in the zombie apocolypse, not the ones smart enough to survive. Google natural selection. If only 40 people out of 6 billion survive something, there is a reason they are still alive. And yes, even in western civilization where crime is so rampant, good is still in the majority. Also, this is completely off topic, but the majority of murders in our society are going to be related to other crimes such as DRUG USE, DRUG DISTRIBUTION, GANGS, and DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Very rarely do we see serial killers or people that kill randomly for no reason,but you are right they do exist which is why 1-2 in a server of 40 is acceptable. Let me clarify something else as well before you read between the lines any further. I am not saying there should only be 2 people in the server that kill other players. I am saying be a bandit all you want, but ROLEPLAY with it. Be a bandit that robs people of food and if they comply, let them live. Be a bandit that kills for a bigger backpack. If you've got end game gear, HUNT other high level players that have good shit. What better thrill than to kill those that are an even match and might actually have something on them that you can use? These players are really your only articulable threat. The funnest part about this game is not being scared shitless at every corner (although that is part of it). The real enjoyment of this game whether you realize it or not is IMMERSION. Oh, and a final thought. Unless you paid for my computer or bought me Arma II Combined Ops or you pay for my monthly internet bill, don't tell me not to play a game because I don't look at it the same way you do. YOU made this topic. YOU asked the question. I answered it.
  4. What a great topic and thank you for making it. I just had a conversation on the server last night abou this so figured I'd share it here (and even created an account to do so) Why do I complain about Snipers and Banits? Lets ask some other questions first.. Q. Why do I play Arma II instead of Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty? A. REALISM Q. Why do I play a game where I start with nothing, have to crawl and hide instead of fight, be constantly afraid of death around every corner, where the average life is 4 hrs long, and death is permanent? A.REALISM Q. Why do I complain about snipers and bandits? A. UNREALISTIC Please humor me. Since we all love realism, put yourself into the shoes of a zombie apocalypse survivor. Now imagine there are only 40 people left alive in the world. Are you really going to shoot and kill people for no reason at all? Every inclination of mankind is evil but we are a societal creature by nature. We tend to band together and create groups whether we are strong enough to survive alone or not. Save for the most evil and insane of our kind, we have at least a shred of decency and good in our souls that tells us right from wrong. Even in a total and complete collapse of society, mankind would not turn to sheer butchery. Don't get me wrong. I love the aspect of not knowing who to trust, of watching your back at all times, of living in constant fear, of the adrenaline when seeing a player walk by. Hell, I don't have a problem with even 1 or 2 person who goes about shooting on sight. My gripe is the sheer commonplace of these "serial killers". 9 out of 10 encouters should result in a person helping another person or worst case scenario ignoring or leaving alone, yet I find myself murdered 9 out of those 10 ocassions. My gripe with bandits/snipers is that they are just TOO DAMN COMMON for realism sake. I expect on a server where just 1 or 2 "self proclaimed badasses" want to kill on site will soon be famous to the other 38 who don't put up with that tomfoolery and the POSSE will be formed to deal with those people. The only thing required for evil to triumph is for a good man to do nothing. I can think of only two reasons a person would kill another human in such tribulent times. 1. The person doing the killing is starving or parched and needs food or drink immediately. Person may kill another player for necessities or better gear/guns etc.....Nothing pisses me off more than being in Bambi suit with an axe and getting sniped from 500m with 1 shot by a guy with a military grade rifle, ghillie suit, and a base camp with enough food to feed an army. And then the guy doesn't even bother looting my body. The second reason obviously would be self defense or self preservation, perhaps killing a bandit who is trying to kill you for your stuff. Or killing someone who just isn't trustworthy, someone stealing your food or hijacking your car, or someone infected that doesn't listen to you when you tell them to stay away. These are possible explanations for killing a person. Anything else is murder whether there is a justice system in place or not. GET REAL