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Everything posted by ratzokore

  1. ratzokore


    Character Name: Ratzokore Why are you a good team player: Yes. How many hours per week do you play: Mom yells at me saying get off. Real Name: Ray. What is your favorite weapon: Lee Enfield but i use anything. How Long Have You Played Dayz: 2-3 weeks. What Can YOU Offer The Clan: Expert Hunter, Expert Scavenger, and Experianced Medic. Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Yes. What is most important to you in Dayz: Holding my rifle tight and with safety off. Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time. Age: 18. Additional Comment: I apply here with the hope that i won't be screwed over and with the intention that i can work together with a strong group. if you need to contact me, Skype name = Blackykitty1 - Ray James Steam name = Micovania