Hey fellas. Wanted to let you know about a "Kicked From Game" message I received earlier this evening. I was exploring a certain area of the map (not outright saying to protect the area's loot) . While there, I discovered two vehicles and a tractor. I got in all three of them to see which were in the best condition, drove them for a bit to hide them elsewhere. I then got back into the one vehicle I was going to use to travel to my final destination. ... but then, I lost connection to the server. When I tried to reconnect, it said I was kicked from the game for "vehicle spawning" ... or something to that effect. I then completely shut the game down, reconnected, and it let me in without a problem. Just wanted to let you know that I was not spawning vehicles (don't even know how). Perhaps your anti-hacking programs thought I was spawning vehicles because I climbed into three of them in a very short span of time? Anyways, just a heads up. Hopefully the server is up and running soon.