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About Ch3sterCheeto

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ch3sterCheeto

    Abrogate Advocate [DayZ Overpoch]

    Name: Ch3sterCheeto Age:17 Do you have a microphone?: yes Do you have skype?: yes Why do you want to join?: epoch is more enjoyable with people On a scale of 1-10, how experienced are you within the game?: 10 Strengths: great aim, knowledge of all maps pretty much, base build, know everything ingame Weaknesses:not good with launchers How much DayZ can you play per day?:during summer, alot, most of the day Why will you be a good asset to the clan?: cause I know what to do and playing lonewolf for a while I know how to do on my own and get supplies If you have skype, what is your name?: ch3stercheeto
  2. Ch3sterCheeto

    The Communtiy

    your ts doesnt work and it says no one exists under that name on steam
  3. Ch3sterCheeto

    Recruitment for Dayz Origins Group

    Age:17 Name:Aidan Steam name:Ch3stetrCheeto Why you want to join us: bored of playing lone wolf DayZ Experience: YES/NO Yes alot, played since mod release TeamSpeak3: YES/NO Yes Mic: YES/NO Yes
  4. Ch3sterCheeto

    DayZ Epoch - Starting small group

    Hey I've been playing the mod since it came out i added you on steam and am interested in joining
  5. steam is Ch3sterCheeto and skype is aidangoalie16
  6. I'm 15 i got a mic and have warz and dayz wondering if i can join i'm sick of dying solo