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Uncle Zed

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Everything posted by Uncle Zed

  1. Uncle Zed

    Experimental database wipe?

    Is there a source that tells what is being updated and why the wipe is needed on the official servers? Should I have my server updated and also wipe the database?
  2. Uncle Zed


    Until it is fixed in-game, I wouldn't suggest kicking players with the name "Survivor" because most players aren't going to come here to find out how to fix their name. Also, what's wrong with the MOTD? Works on my server.
  3. Uncle Zed


    I think a lot of players aren't aware of the command line option that lets you set their name. They try setting it in-game and it doesn't stay. I think kicking players with the name "Survivor" would lead to a LOT of kicks.
  4. Uncle Zed

    Enable chat channels

    In DayZ mod you could edit a config file that would allow you to control which chat channels could be used. Is that possible in DayZ SA?
  5. Uncle Zed

    Enable chat channels

    Well, they've released the server files, allowing admins to create "HIGH L00T!!! OMFG" servers so letting server admins to decide which chat channels are available should be an option.
  6. Uncle Zed


    If you aren't using DayZ SA Launcher, chances are your name will be Survivor.... changing your name in-game doesn't seem to make a difference so for your name to change, you need a command line/launcher. You'd be kicking a LOT of players.
  7. I apologize if this has been discussed. I searched for "Stary spawn" and found no topics. I recently rented a DayZ server 0.63 and every time anyone dies, they respawn in Stary. Is this a bug? Is there something wrong with my server? Is this being done for the current experimental build for a reason?
  8. Uncle Zed

    Do we always spawn in Stary?

    It turns out that the cfgplayerspawnpoints.xml that comes with the 0.63 experimental server files is set up to spawn everyone in Stary. I modified that file, commenting out the Stary spawns and enabling the default spawns and it's working fine now.
  9. You have to remember that 0.63 is not the current stable version. Lots of things are being added and removed, not available in experimental... once 0.63 goes stable, it'll have everything it's supposed to have.
  10. I was killed more today from other players than I have ever been killed in DayZ (Stand alone or mod) before. Hell, I was killed by a guy with a water bottle while I had a machete. It's a madhouse I tell ya!
  11. Uncle Zed

    Apple trees

    With a recent update of the stress test and now the experimental branch, apples spawned on the ground near the apple trees, but over the last few days/updates, I haven't been able to find a single apple. Is it just me, were they removed, did the chance get reduced? At least with apples, I had a chance to survive if I couldn't find any other food. Anyone know?
  12. Uncle Zed

    Apple trees

    I was far off the coast, checking apple trees, and I still haven't found any of the last few days.
  13. Uncle Zed

    Is this even a game at this point?

    Simple answer: It's still in experimental.
  14. Uncle Zed

    Grainy graphics

    When playing either the stable build or the stress test, I am getting what I can only describe as a "grainy" look to the graphics. It looks like white specs. I've tried all sorts of graphics settings but they always seem to be there. Does anyone know if this is a setting I have turned on or has anyone else experienced this? I have an AMD graphics card (R9 380 series- forget the actual model number) Here's a screenshot:
  15. Uncle Zed

    Grainy graphics

    I always feel stupid when I post something and then end up finding the solution only a few minutes later. :) I turned off ATOC in the in-game settings and that made the white dots disappear.
  16. I know these forums are pretty dead these days so I hope someone will help me. I have many years experience in setting up servers for Arma 2: Epoch, Arma 3: Epoch and Exile. Any Dayz vanilla servers I've hosted have always been with a GSP. Now I am trying to set up a dayz server on my dedicated box. I've downloaded Arma 2, Arma 2: OA and Dayz mod via Steamcmd. I've downloaded the Dayz mod server files and Chernarus mission file and placed those in my arma 2 server folder. I've created my command line: arma2oaserver.exe -mod=Expansion;@hive;@DayZ -ip= -port=2312 -name=cfgdayz -profiles=cfgdayz -cfg=cfgdayz\basic.cfg -config=cfgdayz\server.cfg -enableHT My HiveExt.ini has the correct database credentials and the database is accessible. I have that file in my server's cfgdayz folder (see the command line above). The database is fully set up with proper tables. When I try connecting to the server, I get "22:29:49 Server error: Player without identity BetterDeadThanZed (id 879906854)". Can anyone suggest where to start to trouble shoot this issue? I've tried to search for a recent guide that includes a proper command line, but they all seem to have command lines from a while ago, when there was an Expansion\Beta folder, and it also shows "ca" as something that is supposed to go into the command line's "mod=" parameter, although there's no "ca" folder. Thanks ahead of time for any help you might be able to give!
  17. Uncle Zed

    Spawning items

    I just put up a vanilla Dayz mod server. The first time someone connects after the server restarts, they get stuck on Spawning items. If they wait it out the server tries connecting them again, they get a message about ghosting and after a countdown for antighosting, they get in. Why does this happen?
  18. My Dayz mod server was created on the Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA files, with the server files downloaded from here. When I start the the game, it says Arma 2 and Arma 2: Dayz mod under the Dayz logo on the right side. If I load the Dayz mod that is on Steam, it doesn't list "Arma 2", only "Arma 2: Dayz mod". If I try joining my server with the Steam version of Dayz mod, I immediately get booted without anything even starting to load. So, my question is this: How can I make it so players loading up the Dayz mod from here can play on the server with those that are loading Dayz from Steam?
  19. Here's how to set up walking zedz for Dayz 1.8.8: 1. In your mpmission/mission name folder, open init.sqf. 2. Find the line that says this: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; 3. Underneath it, put this: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "overwrites\compiles.sqf"; 4. In the same folder where init.sqf is, create another folder called overwrites. 5. Copy player_zombieCheck.sqf from @Dayz/dayz_code.pbo/compile to the overwrites folder you just created. 6. In the overwrites folder, create a file called compiles.sqf and put the following: player_zombieCheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "overwrites\player_zombieCheck.sqf"; 7. Open the player_zombieCheck.sqf file you copied over and find this line: _forcedSpeed = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _x) >> "forcedSpeed"); 8. Change it to this: _forcedSpeed = 2; Now your zombies will walk!
  20. A few days ago, on a whim, I rented a Dayz 1.8.1 server. I was hungering for an original Dayz experience. No building, no traders, just down and dirty Dayz. So, I set this server up. It's mostly vanilla with only a few small changes. Starting loadout includes a Winchester with 45 rounds, a can of food, canteen of water, some medical supplies and that's it. Other than that, there's no mods and no addons. No bandit AI running around, no extra vehicles either. You can't self-blood bag or deploy a bike. There's no auto refuel or repair. So, if you want a change of pace, give the server a shot. I'm not sure if I'll keep it beyond it's first month, but it is a low maintenance server that is fun to go to from time to time. You will need to have your Arma 2 OA updated to the latest Steam version to play on this server. Join it from the in-game server browser. DayzCommander will not show it.
  21. Uncle Zed

    SQL procedures

    The hosting company I am using to host my Dayz 1.8.5 server normally only hosts Epoch so they aren't real familiar with Dayz. They installed all of the SQL functions and procedures and the main thing I was concerned with, vehicle spawns, worked. Since then I updated the "DECLARE MaxVehicles INT DEFAULT" line in the pSpawnVehicles to increase the number of vehicles that should spawn. The problem is that it doesn't appear that any new vehicles have spawned so I am unsure if these functions and procedures are working. How can I ensure they are running? Is changing that line in the SQL all I should need to increase the vehicle count on the server?
  22. Uncle Zed

    SQL procedures

    Just going to bump this up in case anyone else may have the answer. The SQL events aren't running since the initial run of them, it appears.
  23. Uncle Zed

    SQL procedures

    Yes, the ones that are linked to in this post: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/224484-dayz-mod-185/
  24. Uncle Zed

    SQL procedures

    VertHosting, why do you ask?
  25. Uncle Zed

    SQL procedures

    Just gonna bump this up in the hopes someone can help me out here.