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About bull1878

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  1. Name : BuLL1878 Age: 31 Are you in the uk: LIVEPOOL Role in the game: IM A BAMBI skype name: DONT HAVE SKYPE /HAVE TS3 Experience on Dayz: VERRY LITTLE What can you bring to the team: WE WILL NEED TO SEE :D
  2. player id 102676116 guid 6f5895700d812029916798d271f5c42f location is liverpool hope this is what you need . plus how do i find your server Reply Report Edit
  3. player id 102676116 guid 6f5895700d812029916798d271f5c42f hope this is what you need . plus how do i find your server Reply Report Edit
  4. Hi im new to this game and pc gaming as a whole but would love to roll with you if possible
  5. bull1878

    im new to this

  6. bull1878

    im new to this

    hi if anybody out there that will let me roll with them on dayz mod as i have never played a game on pc befor today would be i would be really appreciated :D