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Everything posted by Barbatron001

  1. Name:Denis (But i prefer being called Bear) Age:14, Turning 15 in march Timezone:GMT +1 Your experience:I have played dayz for a long time, but never played in a group (i'm one of these lonely survivors) Favorite Gun: I would say M24 or the CZ 550 Are you patient: Yes Have you ever been with a group in DayZ:Nope What Role would you prefer?:Sniper or Raider Got a Microphone?: Yes Skype Username?: barbatron1
  2. Hello, ArmA name-Mr.Bear Email-God90@op.pl Gender-Male Age-Country, State/Province/Territory/Ect, & TimeZone- 14 Sweden, StockholmUTC/GMT +1 Available Hours WK & WKND- WK 4 - 5 Hours WKND 7 - 8 Hours How Long Played DayZ-About 1 and a half year Wanted Position- Sniper Wanted Weapon (be realistic)- M24 or a CZ 550 Skills- Good aim, Good co-worker Weaknesses- Close combat, Skype/TS/Vent/Steam-Skype:barbatron1 TS:Barbatron Bye.