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About ghrantt

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ghrantt

    side chat chatty

    Ok have yet to be on one that allows it
  2. ghrantt

    side chat chatty

    Was wondering do some servers allow side chat conversation ? I only ask because I assume the answer is no and that being said if the universal answer is no why do people think its a good idea to talk on chat (of course the occasional accidental side chat chirp happens) Would'nt we all save time and calories just being liberal with the banning rather than screaming at offenders to no avail? just wondering
  3. Oh In my mind I was screaming to myself dont do it in a "leaping to stop the bullet slowmotion NNoooOOOooooo" but my derpmonster said yes!!!
  4. indeed not the first time in a game and my gullible ass will fall for it again in another game
  5. you are a Dick but I respect your style well played
  6. Was at work in the shipping dept and saw a flat cardboard box figured it was windscreen glass... I took out the garbage last night and halfway back to my door I ran thinking that I was going to be sniped from the woods
  7. ghrantt

    What To Do When You See A Player

    Been in game for about a week now had died the first couple of times to user error and the elements . Last night however I was trying to find something to keep me alive had spent the last hour with a grey fuzzy UI due to blood loss making my way through a factory only to be held up by a few guys . they were screaming at me to stay down and in my state with only hatchet told them I was injured and friendly they said wait here I sat down ( ' ) and waited thinking that they would help only to see them hold me at gunpoint and the other hacked me up with his hatchet. I will stay friendly but that got stuck in my craw for sure