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Everything posted by g4borg

  1. g4borg

    Workaround for cars bugging in the ground

    thanx. you know what unit lifetime has? seconds?
  2. g4borg

    DayZ 1.0(2018) VS DayZMod(2012)

    it actually also happened in the mod for a while regularly. it only happened once in standalone. lets not talk about breaking your legs when running down stairs. to be honest, that was not always the case in the mod. i can remember a lot of stuff working badly; of course, you can only remember that, if you played consistently back then in the times until the epoch release. I do think, you have to keep a cool head, I think 1.0 was more a "engine feature complete" release, not a "game feature complete" release. Do I agree with that tactic? possibly not. But no reason to be either totally defending or hating on it yet.
  3. g4borg

    Workaround for cars bugging in the ground

    My main problem with this is, that the cars spawned like this disappear, once they get driven by players. I mean it is a neat way to have one-way cars. Also what is the last boolean in .CreateObject( "OffroadHatchback", c_positions[c_count2], false, true, true ) doing? It is not documented. Also, for anyone having the issue of exploding double cars, this script needs to run a bit delayed to OnInit.
  4. g4borg

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    Missions or iterations over the game mode can be made by modders later on. What the game needs to do is indeed focusing on technical base elements. Adding Linux Server support. Database support. Helping the scripting/modding community. Adding more assets in future releases, more broadband features, etc. can be nice side goals or roadmaps for the general player, who wants to see cars, boats, maps, weapons, etc. added. And yes, because some of you need goals to play, I do think, by now some persistant element like Tarkov has shown could be a future idea for DayZ that would refresh its lack of goals; but the same is for heli crashes etc. But my biggest problem is, that this should all have been already maintained next to development. Especially things like as linux server binary is much easier to maintain, and also keeps the base code much more clean, if it is regularly developed in parallel. Things like "not enough official servers" could have been easily avoided, if installing a server would be easier to do, and more accessible. Other projects, like Squad, show, it's really not that hard to do, if you know your priorities.
  5. lategame fun includes: more flying lessons, coz u can never have enough flying lessons, clan wars, community help or building, modding or scripting, blowing up stuff or building bases, helping bambies, hunting hackers or douches, or stand around with a SAW on NWAF. seriously. since frankie-bambie coined "you cannot trust anyone in dayz", anyone starts shooting anyway. finding friends, respectable allies or just clans that sometimes fight, but sometimes also work together, is the hard part. you die anyway a lot of senseless deaths, having longer survival times and zed kill highscores, etc. is always a challenge. also, survival is key. learning not to shoot anyone, and still survive and have fun is the best dayz has to offer. its also the most bitter part about the game. otherwise, there is always wasteland on some overkill utes map to let off some steam. but no other game will teach you to use terrain that well, like this mod. and last but not least, if you get bored, take a nap, do something else. its the memories that count in dayz, especially social encounters of any kind. even if its 3 hours of crawling with a broken leg to fix a car alone in stary. after a success, you are relieved and happy.
  6. g4borg

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    so is the food only off the loot tables, or did you really remove the configs, making them unplacable? (we are still running 1.7.6 so i cant look it up yet) because private hives could still enable them, and problem solved. thats what microcommunities are for, right? i often think the same thing about the civilian models. i whish, all those nice models would have a dayz based non-arma-spawning-items config entry, like soldier1_dz, overriding them to the survivor bp layout. not for adding it to the main game, where the survivor skin is just right. but to help using the game to its fullest, develop in ideas to keep a smaller server also lucrative, and probably learn from the emerging microcommunities (aka private hives, or servers). so i suggest if items fall out of main love, keep it in the configs, let them be used by private servers. just remove access to it via spawnlists. only remove deprecated and non functional stuff. its not like those few kbs in the config files really make the difference, in a game, where we still struggle with a fup network code, where we have to work around with nifty teleport detects, which still not supports some rpc calls on linux just because it has to be dynamic library loading... oh man there are so many bigger issues, both in arma and in dayz, than food insignias. blacklisted mountain bike. could go on forever. keep it up. and. nice code indention cleanup, thank you guys. :)
  7. 15 years fps players dont have this attitude, we are quite adult right now - and never had consoles with fps. and yah, calling others some politically correct names, like amateur, but trying to make a point about something being "overpowered", which actually is "noobish" is a bit laughable, too.
  8. I dont think thats necessary. slow auto heal + faster run + bullet proof west should be nuf I would more encourage survival itself, also blood bags should stay the way they are to encourage teamplay more.
  9. Completely agree, there is already a linux server binary for arma2, it should not be too hard to keep the server OS independent. While it runs on wine, most server admins, including me, would not really want wine to be installed on a server. Also, windows only servers in this century is actually shameful, almost ignorant. As is using windows-only perl dialects (as i have seen in bliss), instead of... well best python for the scriptsets
  10. Since markets in eastern europe are full of stuff like old swords and chinese katana replicas, I'd whish there would be more melee weapons. And a machete for Taviana.
  11. Maybe we should lock bandits into FP view. 1. has nothing to do with network code. nobody sane would synchronize 3d visibility. 1.a wouldnt work anyway, since fps protocols and their udp packet integration techniques usually involve precognition on the client side (what we use for looking into chopper crashsites by moving against it) 1.b. if you really want to be sure, of course the server has to decide what you see and what not, at all times, to exclude hackers. but, and thats the problem in your logical argument... 2. if you can hack so deeply in an engine, you can do whatever you want, like transparent walls or position sniffing, and you do not need to circumvent a client side restriction anyway - and you can also use it in first person without change. 3. the same way someone could hack away headmovements in first person if everybody has fpv. in this regard, since the blurring / shadowing was also suggested by myself, I agree, that it wouldnt work anyway, because it might even give too many advantages of late sync invisibility. because third person does not need to be fixed (except the camera being able to see thru rooftops) it would be enough to check cameramovement validity silently every now and then. while i agree there should be servers, where 3rd person is inactive for people who explicitly like that gamestyle, your statement saying, that a "pro plays first person" is simply your own opinion, even if definitely shared by some oldschool FPS players. I do share this opinion regarding FPS vs. 3rd person shooters in general, and I had to get used to 3rd person in a shooting-game, too, and despised many games out of 3rd person gamestyle, especially if you were forced to stay in it. But not in a game like dayZ/arma, where not only fast reaction and aim are enough to be really good, but also things like tactics, stealth, overall open field movement vs. urban warfare, knowledge, communication and social skills. and where 3rd person does give you disadvantages at the same time as does pure fp. Also, dayZ has not only ranged weapons, it also has melee weapons, which are delibaretly different than in usual FPS games (where it is a proximity damage) - and for melee, first person is not ideal at all. For me, somebody who only plays dayZ in fp only servers is more amateur, than somebody who learns to use his field of view and survive even if your killer can be a kilometer away. after all, the millisecond you need to switch views can be your death anyway, and 3rd person also always presents you with a blind spot and lesser magnification. being a FP-vegetarian does not make you a better player in dayZ. If mass suicide hacks et al. would not result in community problems for servers, dayZ would become more of a teamgame anyway, and more clan controlled servers would arise. all used abuses of 3rd person cannot help you, if the server you are on is filled with people who know each other and hunt your sniper ass down. already as of today, i do not fear somebody abusing 3rd person, as the organized effort of a sniper team coordinating their attack by having multiple eyes on a target, which is also way more effective. after all, dayZ should not be about a giant deathmatch inbetween zombies, it should be about survival resulting in distrust and greed. Since no gear, no car, nothing is forever in dayz, the real achievement should be to survive as long as possible, which is currently hard, because, the netcode is already a disaster in terms of packetrights in arma2 in general (and honestly, there is no excuse for it, there is simply no excuse for it, even if blog posts seem to suggest "arma would not have needed" those rights - which is simply not true; hacking items or moving other players is a broken netcode under all circumstances).
  12. g4borg

    1 tank with manual (driving only)

    I like the idea in dayz 2017, where they have a tank without shooting, for driving thru forests. I dont think you would have to need a manual for it. Thats just complicated. Maybe finishing a tank would need a lot of scrap metal (for armor) and tires, but it has to be defeatable like every other vehicle.
  13. actually if you hear better arguments for first person in this thread, you are not listening or just reading what you already stand for. without 3rd person, dayZ would not have become this success. even those who like 3rd person, use first person a lot - its not an argument, which is better. its a feature, which is even copied by other games in the same setting. FYI you have to find out how to switch to 3rd person and start in 1st person anyway in arma, so why are all searching for the hotkey for that immediately? right.. so first person is already advertised, it is just not used that much. what if 3rd person could not be used to see things behind obstructing objects, with the chance of making some things transparent, which are clearly out of view? thats an improvement, which might be solvable in the client and addresses the real issue - and only valid argument against 3rd person anyway. I heavily dislike 3rd person in shooters. But dayZ aint a shooter,
  14. so what do you do then, if suddenly five people log on with their tents in your homeserver next to you, and bombing you with nades, pack up and disappear again? There should be an option to move one tent with you to another server, I agree (to really change your home). I also love some other ideas in this, except the early warning system, which I find a bit too powerful. But moving your tent across servers should also be limited in usage, like 24h cooldowns. It should be a tool to move to another world, but not something to allow full equipped armies farmed up at another server to attack you, like a giant server hopping tentgang with even some tent-motherships. Also, you should only be able to have one dedicated tent as your sleeping/home tent/personal tent, otherwise farming servers for stuff and disappearing with multiple tents will become another problem. At the moment you can only transfer items from one server to another with groups of people. This would allow a small group to set up a new home easier too. But its also a feature which could alter gameplay just by the abuse it offers.
  15. To say, it is an advantage for others, while the feature is available to everyone, and after the fact, that 3rd person is activated in most servers, because otherwise they have less players, speaks statistically for this not being a generally accepted idea. I personally like how DayZ/Arma is solving 3rd person. You have a disadvantage at arms in 3rd person, but an advantage in zombie hatchet killing and spotting yourself while you move, and a slightly increased view. In real life, you can check up, how your body lies, where you are, because you can objectify yourself and your surroundings in your brain, instictively. This process helps us playing 3rd person games more easily if it is about body control. Since one of dayZ's aspects is survival, it actually adds a lot for it to this gameplay. Even if some hardcore players might enjoy first person, in dayZ a killer player can easily shoot you no matter how you look at yourself with one shot, while you didn't even have a clue, you were in his sniper crosshairs at all. Since some servers have nameplates, or even the ARMA positioning turned on, or the life signs detector even working while you look at the people, I am a little bit wondering to myself anyway, why THOSE features do not annoy you more. So I completely disagree. Disabling 3rd person would destroy a lot of dayZ's core gameplay and ruin the game. period.