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Everything posted by g4borg

  1. g4borg

    Helo Crash Sites

    there are two types of crash russian and huey one of them smokes, the other does not. i think the russian does not. actually i was trying to add smoke to it aswell.
  2. g4borg

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    note: if you downgrade to stable, you have to redo your profile, so if you did not, back it up. i'd whish branches would keep separate profiles... after all i already have like a gazillion* dayz folders in my documents, none of them made in my games, ... *) 4
  3. g4borg

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    public servers as in official public hive servers are not possible by private persons, those are community servers.
  4. g4borg

    Cftools + DZSA - how to ignore a mod.

    @Fun Automat no idea then you might want to ask at the launcher forum as well. i wanted to test this feature aswell, but had no time yet, if i do, i will revisit this. if you manage to solve it please give an answer. might also be a bug no one noticed yet? 🙂
  5. g4borg

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    to anyone interested, adding date into script.log filename made it not as easy as powershelling "Get-Content C:\DayZServer\profile\script.log –Wait" anymore, to read Print statements. Now one could use instead: cd C:\DayZServer\profile\ Get-Content @(Get-ChildItem -Filter script_*.log -Path C:\DayZServer\profile -Name | Sort-Object -Descending)[0] –Wait of course with your path to the profile folder.
  6. g4borg

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    looks like the navmesh call optimization might have some side effects. --- very positive to have the beta branch public - gives us time to adapt it to current files 🙂 thank you. i would actually hope that you guys could unlock more already existing assets on the client, even if you do not include them in mission script until they are ready, so that re-enabling the guns e.g. does not need one to actually create a mod. it is not really neccessary from a security perspective to lock them also in the client. very good fixes overall. this gives me great hope for further improvements, and makes me less worried to invest into the game (as servers, time to script etc. are also expensive)
  7. g4borg

    Cftools + DZSA - how to ignore a mod.

    you still need to add the mod in -mod aswell afaik. -ignoremod is only for dayzsaserver -mod gets passed to the real dayz server but every mod in ignoremod is not passed to the clients. this is how i understood it.
  8. g4borg

    Can't join any community servers

    steam had issues last night, and nobody could join our server e.g. not even myself the imgur image is deleted, so i dunno what your error was, for me it was written in console, that "Steam connect failed" it resolved itself after time (started 10 pm, resolved 5 am utc) , but others reported the same issues on their servers.
  9. g4borg

    Status Report - January 2019

    to a certain extent, yeah. Given I know I am kind of that niche player, who actually loves weapons like the bow also in RL (It was the first item I tried to craft in 1.0 without knowing it was removed) - So even tho I had a deep interest to get that weapon, I was less stressed when I realized I have to wait for it. However I heard it more often by now by friends, or strangers I met aswell. Given it is one of the most basic weapons of Ark, Rust or Minecraft players, I get the "demand". Bicycle however was mentioned even more. Which however does not interest me that much, even tho mountain bikes were cool in the mod, and might have been more successful if it were not such a late addition.
  10. g4borg

    Status Report - January 2019

    i think there is a consensus amongst a lot of players, at least i heard this proposal quite often until now, that bicycles and bows would be wonderful to have. i also think, it would be nice if experimental features can be activated by private servers, so we can test them out, like certain weapons or vehicles, which are not yet done. it would give the community something to do. -- i still think the biggest actual issue is, that many things are client and server side blocked, there is no way to have autoloading of mods when you join. I know I repeat myself, but too many issues seem to show, this should be the one biggest feature they should work on yesterday. Downloading a server side mission to the client in arma might have been annoying, from time to time also an easy way to implement cheats, but given you could just do it in myriads of other ways even more efficiently, and it could be also used to mark cheaters in fact, it was definitely a nice way to deliver content and scripts to the client for your personal use case. We do not have this option in dayz, instead we have mod support. But none of this is really working. DayZSALauncher already has a working third party solution, all dayz team would need to do is implement a similar system into the current client. Well I will write this together in a suggestion.
  11. g4borg

    Cftools + DZSA - how to ignore a mod.

    afaik you add -ignoremod to the DayZSALauncher startup parameters. which would mean, you just add "-ignoremod=@yourignoredmod", between freezecheck, and your "-mod" command (or you can also add it after, just make sure you add a comma between each entry, as the last line usually does not already have one) did you try this?
  12. g4borg

    Run DayZ Server without the need of the DayZ Client

    Actually I am pretty sure documentations mention that fact, but I would have to revisit those which I used to install. they definitely mention, that you cannot use an anonymous account to download DayZ Server (which has its own ID on steam), you have to use a steam account. You do not need to buy anything tho. (Other Servers, like Ark, e.g. allow anonymous download) Exception are mods, which you have to download with the client, and upload them manually to the server (which is unfortunate, as this could also be automated otherwise) And as others have noted, technically you can run the server without steam, however I for one would use at least a steamcmd installation, and a dedicated empty steam user for your server, to make it easier to upgrade your server binaries. Good luck. Edit: Maybe this sentence made you ask yourself: however this is dated. it definitely works without owning the client, and also back then it just meant, you have to have the client to download the files (not for using the server)
  13. g4borg

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    At Night dark vision should be short distance black and white, however only if there is no light source nearby, and take a while to adapt. The film grain should fade as well. I miss the ability to control such settings on clients from the server. What does it help to have authorative protocol but no control... There should be more built in RPCs for this Or fix mod loading and server browser to work properly.
  14. g4borg

    Content is #1 Priority, Not Persistence.

    I just whish he would not troll about slow zombies on larger servers, which obviously use mods to slow them down. :P I do think, that content atm. fits the "minimal viable product" marketing scheme. You have a gun from every niche, one car, a few tents. So we can relax, as this clearly shows, the main agenda is getting the product stable, and expand upon that.
  15. I have sudden stutters even if i am alone on a server, and even if that server runs from a ramdisk on a beasty machine in the local area network. On the other hand I had encounters, where the other player popped up out of nowhere, and my experience was totally lag free. So I bet on no. I more likely assume, they send data bursts, as it usually coincides with e.g. getting closer to towns. However, that weird feeling, someone is watching you... is usually true.
  16. g4borg

    Zombie Hords + More Zombies

    atm. you can just kill them one by one by opening the door shortly, and they let go of you if you are out of sight long enough, so being surrounded in a building is not really a thing. especially in late game if you got ammo, it is easy to just kill them through windows. it is a matter of game experience. zombies are almost 0 threat if you do it right usually. it is the "i overestimated the situation" kinda thing which gets you killed. or players. or the environment.
  17. g4borg

    Zombie Hords + More Zombies

    well actually you can hide until they let go. it is just not so easy, since they follow your player object, and not just the last position they saw you - which is probably due to efficiency. it is different if they follow a sound, then they actually move to the position the sound came from which attracted them. but yes, of course, i did not mean, they just casually open the door. instead, they should bash against doors, and especially, if they "get stuck" in front of a door, manage to open it after a while - by basicly bashing it in. this would of course depend on the door. i personally would give them a value for agitation, instead of just 3 states, and the more agitated they are (E.g. you make lots of noise, etc.) the more likely it is for them to bash against a door, and open it eventually, while others might just let go, like they do right now. stopping attacking you if you are down sounds a bit weird for a zombie. instead, they should switch to eating-mode. but the new damage system isn't superb imho, bleeding is usually not a problem, except you are out of rags, then it most likely can be fatal.
  18. g4borg

    Is the Server Browser Ping Correct?

    even dayzsalauncher seems to have incorrect ping results. even if they are better. which is especially funny, as if i run my test server which only uses one core, but has the same setup and runs on the same machine, the ping results are extremely low and steady, while our main server which runs on 6 cores, fluctuates. basicly, do not trust the ping at all, imho, only take it as a rough estimate.
  19. g4borg

    Zombie Hords + More Zombies

    lot of servers have hordes actually, including ours. it was one of the first scripts to arrive actually :) more zombies is another thing however. to be honest, the main reason zombies get dangerous is when they group up on you, and it can happen anytime anywhere in the wrong situation, and all they actually really need to get super dangerous is the ability to open doors...
  20. I do not know of anything that can tell you which mods to run, other than research outside of the salauncher.* However you could definitely flag it as a false positive in your antivirus, so it does not quarantine it. If you know, which mods a server uses, you can use the built in dayz launcher, by right clicking on dayz in steam, and selecting it. In the parameters menu, second tab, you should checkmark the Ip and Port, and write them in (always do both, even if it is a default port, otherwise the game hangs at start), and you can select in that tool aswell which mods to activate (after you subscribed for them on steam) DayZSALauncher also gets the mods, by subscribing to steam (it does not work without steam in fact) *)Optionally, and this might be advanced practice, if you know a server has mods, and you know IP and port, e.g. through dayzspy website, add 10 to the port number, and open it in a webbrowser as IP:Port. If you get an answer, you should see mod information displayed. This is how the SALauncher itself communicates with servers by default. so for default dayz port 2302, on a fictional IP you would use and extract the info manually from there. But it might be easier to find out, how to make your antivirus stop deleting the file.
  21. g4borg

    Experimental Update 1.0.150192

    lol +1 to be honest, i am fine with it if they just give us workarounds, like events fired when saves are done, automatic backup options, database support, auto-modloading or even just a rudimentary documentation of the bin files for people to tinker with it, any of these. the bad thing is, as promising the scripting is, it exposes little to no functionality to circumvent issues, or create our own solutions either. which is extra frustrating, as we could do that in the mod (but there we could not solve the security problem of hackers), and we are completely dependant on their success in this.
  22. g4borg

    Zombie nostalgia

    the new ones to be honest - as some of the movement was pretty crazy. not saying that they could not get even more moves down the line. or... opening doors :P
  23. If a player has not set a name, let the mission decide a name for him (so expose SetPlayerName or give Identity a SetPlayerName) could be something like OnCharacterDefaultName() { return "Survivor"; } Chat Events should contain the identity, not just the username (holy mf) There should be a chat event for all chats, not just admins. don't call a variable "characterName", if it is supposed to be a "characterClassName" (missionBase.c) simple, and already quite dated. also you can find it as a recurring issue on the forum, or scripter discussions.
  24. g4borg

    Scripting: Default Name.

    damn this was for suggestions.
  25. g4borg

    BI is Making it Harder to be an Admin...Why?

    after testing a bit, and reading up the code further, i have yet to decrease my "competence view" of the script code of dayz. Like always, exposed api calls are totally worthless, and the "characterName" variable in question refers to the character class name (SurvivorF_Maria e.g.) so setting it does not work while the name itself is coded into the identity class, which is - of course - managed C code. even worse, not logged in chars do not trigger any events if they chat, and logged in ones never trigger it with identity, only with character name, which is sometimes just Survivor, making it indistinguishible who the hell is talking in scripts. what a mess. + to OP.