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Dr. Goner

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Everything posted by Dr. Goner

  1. Is it available to view on youtube?
  2. Dr. Goner

    Morgan Freeman needs a Boat

    So good man! Thank you for doing these. My girlfriend has never played DayZ and is normally unamused by it in any way, but she was laughing her ass off.
  3. There are only a couple things I've noticed. My character on the "regular" servers was reset to about a week ago. My character on the "hardcore" servers has been wiped. I'm assuming that I hadn't been playing on hardcore servers. Also, all servers are at night right now, which is awesome. I've also noticed that I cannot remove the handrail from any M4 in game.
  4. Quit posting on the forum constantly and conserve some bandwidth. Are you watching a youtube video as well?
  5. New town with a little more map for reference.
  6. Dr. Goner

    Is this OK for young teens?

    My parents refused to let me watch Beavis and Butthead, I am now a sociopath. Just kidding, I found ways to watch it anyway which made them feel deceived and made me feel like a liar. I say, if you're going to let him play it, just monitor the situation very closely for a while and see what you think. Eventually he will want to join a teamspeak (third party communication software) and that's what you'll want to monitor really closely. It will be a group of other players talking about EVERYTHING, some groups are more mature some are less mature, some have that one member that is really bad, some have that one member that is a really wonderful morally sound person that will be a good influence on your kid. He will honestly spend most of his time running around playing alone. In game player communication is usually limited and the game itself isn't really gory or subversive in any way. I'm 36, if I had a kid, I would let him play it and probably enjoy playing it with him. There's some life lessons in the game, it requires extreme patience and perseverance. It's not a Call of Duty type game. . . and that is a very very good thing. What are some other games you allow him to play? EDIT: Also, kudos for doing the research. It's obvious that you are a good parent, he's lucky and if he doesn't realize that now, he will when he gets older.
  7. Yeah, it looks awful doesn't it. Care to admit that the new town will be amazing yet or are you gonna stick to your uninformed guns on that one.
  8. Dr. Goner


    I have no basis for this other than Rocket saying that the servers seems really stable after the new patch and they should be able to add more zombies now, but I'm kinda hoping the emergency maintenance has to do with adding more zombies.
  9. Dr. Goner


    Hmmm.... more hype. They've already sold over a million copies, that's literally four times the amount that they would have considered succesful for alpha. I think this game is plenty hyped. Hence, the copious amount of completely uninformed pissing and moaning all over these forums right now. But on the bright side, the alpha is better than I expected it to be and it was worth following the development for over a year.
  10. I made a map for you all. Remember, this town has been partially there since alpha release.
  11. Dr. Goner

    New Town Location?

    I made a map for you. It's been partially done since the release of alpha. I haven't seen the new version. It would be awesome if someone would upload some more screen shots.
  12. Dr. Goner

    Long Range Hunting

    Do we really have to get into a time travel discussion here? . . . basically due to not knowing that he would eventually grow up to become the ultimate dick, you would still be a dick for beating up a little kid and a weirdo for recording it.
  13. That's one of the new military zeds from experimental build.
  14. Something else relevant.
  15. See, I already found something relevant.
  16. OK, time to hop over to Reddit for a minute. I love the forums but this thread is pointless. It would be nice to see some screen shots and discussion of the experimental build but they would just get buried by whatever-the-hell-is-going-on above this. I wonder if these threads should be open for comments in the future. Is it just being used as a place to corral the weirdness?
  17. You already took the bait. How about this, just post every 100th thought that pops into your head.
  18. Dr. Goner

    Bug Report Question

    I've noticed that certain issues like "Floating Loot" are listed as resolved in the bug tracker but they aren't resolved in game. I still see floating loot often. Also, as far as loot falling through floors, I placed an item on the floor of a one story building yesterday and it never reappeared but this issue is listed as resolved on the bug tracker. I'm just curious if anyone else is having these issues and if so why is the bug tracker inaccurate. I reported an issue (nesting of yellow carry cases) on there a week ago and it hasn't been listed as reviewed or even acknowledged. I think the dev team is doing an amazing job and I love the game, I'm just wondering how others feel about the system and looking for some feedback so I won't have to wonder how these issues are being addressed. I think if people had a clear idea of what it means to report a bug they may do more of that and less coming on the forums to say "OMG420yoloNOscope add vehicles m8!" EDIT: After digging further into the bug tracker, it is obvious that people are putting stuff in there that does not remotely belong there. Perhaps no one is assigned to work on it currently. Some of that stuff should be deleted. I saw that someone had asked a question "If I buy the game and don't like it can I have my money back?" That's not a bug people.
  19. Dr. Goner

    Long Range Hunting

    Why would you ever post something like this? It's the equivalent of recording yourself while you beat up and rob a little kid. Find another hobby man. Hopefully, I will shoot you in the back while you are doing this before long.
  20. Dr. Goner

    Unplayable, almost

    I've never been shot on the coast myself. OP, run away from the water and inland as far and as fast as you can. Do not fuck around in the villages or buildings near the water. You can run for at least ten minutes without dying of dehydration. That's going to get you nearly to Stary Sober. Find a small town on the map near Stary with a well and profit. Stop hanging around the coast, it's a cluster, especially on high pop servers. Hell just the other night I shot my own friend there out of pure confusion.
  21. You're right. AK-47 it is then. EDIT: Gramm're
  22. Dr. Goner

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Wow, way to work the thread you've each gotten like a hundred posts out of this bad boy. Think it may be time to move on but let's see what R2 has to say about it.
  23. Dr. Goner

    Bug Report Question

    Just bumping this to see if anyone knows what's up with the bug tracker. Thanks!
  24. Dr. Goner

    Bug Report Question

    I know, I'm talking about the official area to note bugs found in the alpha: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/my_view_page.php The info there is inaccurate.
  25. Dr. Goner

    PSA: Friendly servers make no sense ATM

    I think it's funny that people who think these servers are lame seem to be logging onto them. At least this thread is evidence of that. Why don't you just go about your way and let them do their thing? When I log onto a non KOS server, I do so knowing full well that there is no such thing as a non KOS server, but I admit, I do hesitate a little longer before shooting someone. Honestly, KOS is such a tired topic to me. I think the discussion should change. If I see someone running in the opposite direction of me across a field, I don't shoot them, I watch them and make sure they aren't trying to flank me or take my freedom in any way before I move on. Now yesterday, some dudes chased my buddy out of NEAF. What they didn't know is that I was providing over watch from the hills and he was leading them right to me. Even in that case, where they were obviously trying to kill my friend, I decided to lay down some suppressing fire and avoid taking their lives. It was hilarious how quickly they changed direction when I started shooting. In all honesty it was more gratifying than killing them. Also, your argument that they are using these servers to gear up is ridiculous. You just don't like the idea of a friendly server. I'll tell you where people are gearing up. If they're smart they're doing it on low populated night time servers because those things are player deserts. You can run all the way around the NWAF with your flashlight on and not worry about anything.