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Dr. Goner

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Everything posted by Dr. Goner

  1. Dr. Goner

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Apologies in advance, but I didn't read through everything. Is there an ETA for this? Thanks!
  2. I played on this server last night and it was great. It honestly brought back some of those original feelings I had while playing dayz. Yay, there aren't barracks every five feet! Only issue I had was when I logged out and back in once my backpack was gone. Not sure why that happened. I'm going to hop on again tonight for a bit.
  3. The feeling is mutual. Please feel free to ignore my future posts. Where I come from, calling someone "dumb" is fighting words.
  4. Dr. Goner

    SA DAYZ Prison Yes or No

    The graphic novels are amazing. I still get the monthly comics :)
  5. Dr. Goner

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Good luck out there.
  6. The first time I logged into DayZ, it was pitch black, I crawled for two hours and starved to death with the sounds of hell all around me. It was the best time I've ever had in a game. I definitely recommend playing as a bambie at night. You'll learn so much and there really isn't a more challenging gaming environment. Seems like this server won't have twenty people running around with NVGs so it should be fairly safe for a new guy. Plus getting killed because you broke out your flashlight while looking for food is a great learning experience. Have fun man, I think I'm gonna try this server tonight.
  7. Dr. Goner

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    I agree with everything you've said except I think there's no point complaining until you've put your money in. I really hope I'm not complaining as much as critiquing. We'll see what happens with ARMA III it may be money well spent, just not sure yet. I've installed the most recent update so I'm going to give it a try again this evening, along with Don't Starve (looks awesome). I hope the DayZ standalone kicks ass. I'm sure I'll buy the alpha, I really wish I had an idea when it was coming because the mod isn't doing it for me anymore.
  8. Dr. Goner

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    Like I said, I feel so lucky to be able to play this amazing FREE mod. I really wish I was able to pay for it somehow. Have a good day.
  9. Dr. Goner

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    This community is getting really weird. You're right man. I guess I should consider myself lucky to be able to play the mod. Even though, I had to pay for it in a roundabout way. I can tell you this much, if it wasn't for DayZ, I would have never heard of Bohemia. Without a stove I couldn't cook food. Doesn't mean I wouldn't eat.
  10. Dr. Goner

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    True. Let's consider the series of events. Read promotional DayZ material on DayZ mod.com, purchased ARMA II (which I hadn't previously been aware of) as a response. Played DayZ and enjoyed it. Still think it's free?
  11. Dr. Goner

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    You're right it's the most wonderful free mod ever. I'm so thankful that it was given to me. I only wish I could have been afforded the honor of paying for it. There's nothing wrong with it and it's impossible to even look for flaws in such a holy piece of software. What was I thinking? Thank you for showing me the light oh DayZ prophet.
  12. That isn't what I was saying. I was commenting on "some" of the moderators willingness to immediately treat people like they're idiots. A lot of forum members are just rude, like you for instance. I won't call you dumb, but I will call you rude.
  13. @Inception I didn't mean to come off as rude. I just think it's off putting. Why not just paste a couple good servers in for the OP and leave it at that. "You're not looking hard enough" seems trite at this point. Then again, most of the responses to criticism of DayZ in these forums are trite. It seems that we're offending a lot of players by not taking there complaints seriously. People may continue to play the game but abandon the forum. Anyway, I guess it's just something we should all come to expect due to the anonymity that the internet provides. It's base human instinct to lash out at others, especially when you don't have to look them in the eye.
  14. Dr. Goner

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    WarThunder was free. DayZ mod required a purchase to play. I agree with what most people are saying here and I'm sure I will buy DayZ SA Alpha, but it is tiring listening to people continue to call DayZ mod free. I had to purchase ARMA II to play it.
  15. Dallas, do you work for BIS? Because you offend more of their customers than any one person on these forums.
  16. Typical arrogant response from inception. If you're going to blow your moderator load prematurely at least put some thought into this guys complaint. It's just rude man. No wonder scores of people are leaving these forums.
  17. Dr. Goner

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    You're logic would be great if there was a way to know whether or not you would "like it" before you bought it. Often with a game you have to purchase and invest time before you make this decision. This is were I see most of these issues coming from. Money doesn't grow on trees, times are tough, and my dollars are hard earned. I've spent nearly a hundred dollars with BIS this year. DayZ mod was worth it, but I'm still on the fence about ARMA III. I really don't like the game where it stands and I'm not sure if it will get better or not. I hope so, otherwise that money is gone. Can I have it back now that I don't like the game? This is what I'm worried about with DayZ. I want to support a great game and purchase the SA alpha release, but I don't know that ARMA III was worth it, so do I wait and see if the game takes off or buy it? It's not as black and white as you make it sound. I've had a lot of fun playing the DayZ mod. It's also been extremely frustrating at times with bugs and blah blah blah. I'm just not as sold as some folks. Especially when there are so many other amazing projects out there to support in initial phases.
  18. Dr. Goner

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    Uh... Are you being serious? I can't even play ARMA III as it is right now.
  19. Can anyone help me keep the game interesting? What to do now? Seems like the mod is basically dead. There are a few new players here and there but in reality I think most people have moved on while waiting for standalone. Thanks!
  20. Dr. Goner

    What Now? - Brainstorming session.

    Yeah, I just feel like I haven't heard anything good lately. Maybe folks will post some of the better threads here.
  21. Dr. Goner

    What Now? - Brainstorming session.

    Thanks for the intelligent reply! You must be well read.
  22. Dr. Goner

    Eating Crow

    So, let the onslaught of "who gives a $%&!" replies begin... I have returned to DayZ. Even with the prevalence of low brow moronic phrases like U Mad Bro and Derp, DayZ has a great group of players. The "U MAD BRO" crowd may be a sign of the apocalypse and the first step backward in human evolution, but they make up a small portion of the dayz commmunity. I made a post a week ago that I was leaving dayz because I had been screwed over by some fifteen year old kid. Well, in private messages, forum members reached out to me encouraging me to fight on. So, I'm back on my home server. I had made friends there, I missed those guys. They're good hard working adults just like me and we're only looking for a little escape. It's great to be back. I am limiting my play time extensively and honestly it has been really nice to get away from the computer and do some real world stuff. I still play the hero because it's the toughest way to play the game and the most challenging gaming experience I've had. All you bandits go back to kiddie camp. You know nothing of elite gaming. The first day I logged back on and retrieved a chopper. I got shot at while performing an evacuation with medical support. I had to laugh. After all, now I know it's not my chopper, it's dayz's chopper. The guy I saved was extremely thankful and apologized because I'd been shot at while picking him up. No problem, I said, another friend gained. The kid who screwed me over is now hated by the entire server as he has screwed every "regular" over in one way or another at this point. He can't help himself. In fact, it was a day or two after I came back that his entire crew fell apart and most of his group left the server. I wonder if undercover saboteurs had anything to do with it... :P Anyway, I did do a lot of research on morality in gaming. If you're interested there is a ton of information out there. It seems that most researches find, in controlled lab experiments, that a players controlled actions of an avatar DO in fact point to real aspects of that players personality. It's kinda scary, if its true, how most of us are keeping our demons in check. Thanks to everyone who helped me get back in the saddle and extra special thanks to those who dropped by the server to help decimate a clan of fifteen year old bandits.
  23. Dr. Goner

    Got day Z today...HELP!!!!

    1. Make sure to use dayz commander and perform all the updates need for ARMA II, DayZ, and DayZ commander. 2. Pick a server that you've successfully played in and add it to your favorites. Try to log onto this one each time. 3. Double click server and wait in lobby until Battleye fully updates. It might not happen on the first attempt to log in. Let it kick you... 4. Click and log into server a second time through commander and wait for the two red lines of type to pop up and then hit OK from the lobby. PM me with questions, there are a lot of little tricks here and there, but if you see a server listed in DayZ commander with any greyed out info, that means it is on a different version than you are. Be patient when finding a server and when hitting OK from lobby. Keep messing with it, you'll figure it out. Battleye is a pain in the ass and servers no purpose other than making it hard to log into servers as far as I can tell. Oh, you can perform all the need updates through commander and if you've played on a server before you don't need to start steam each time, just go through DayZ commander for updates and logging on.
  24. Dr. Goner

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    Nothing new since PAX then?
  25. Also: Back in early December, I had just begun playing dayz. I was walking near the coast with my flashlight on. You robbed me using only your flashlight. You said "Don't move, don't move, checked my backpack, stated "How's dinner going?" You then ran off towards Cherno docks.