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Dr. Goner

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Everything posted by Dr. Goner

  1. Dr. Goner

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Severe trauma causes cardiac arrest. I.e. gunshot wounds. Not sure how ya'll aren't following this. People aren't going to be suffering from "random" heart attacks.
  2. I received the "you are getting wet" message while it was raining. I did notice that my hat was "damp" but the rest of my clothes were not.
  3. "Eat All" option. !!Rejoice!! Also, I really dig the new alerts. EDIT: Experimental also seems much more stable now. Last week when it released the frames were crap for me, but that was on Wednesday night. Played for hours today between 40-60 almost everywhere with very few dips.
  4. Dr. Goner

    Still lagging.

    Whoa! I just read this: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1xtgzz/twitter_rocket2guns_psa_about_rain_in_dayz_shadow/cfeq48m?context=3 I stand corrected and am beginning to wonder how much I actually understand about this. Start with this reddit thread and go from there. Apparently setting shadows higher also helps with CPU usage. I also have an old CPU i7 930 OC'd to 4.09 but I have two GTX 760s running in SLI (SLI is currently not used in DayZ from what I understand) so the more I can offload onto my GPUs the better my game runs. This would be the same case for you as you have a beast of a video card but a weak CPU.
  5. Dr. Goner

    Still lagging.

    It's your cpu unfortunately. The engine is CPU intensive. Shadows are completely controlled by CPU from what I understand so lowering them will help, but there are two settings in quality they are right below the allocated video memory setting (which should be set to auto by the way). Counterintuitively, both of those settings should be set to very high as when you do this, the engine begins to offload those responsibilities from CPU to GPU. Just adjusting shadows and those two settings worked wonders for me. However, I've been asking around about the current experimental build (0.36.115297) When I played it last on Wednesday there were major FPS issues for me. I was hoping this was resolved in an update. It was very similar to the fps issue from two patches ago. The current stable build (0.35xxx188) runs AMAZINGLY for me. I get 40-50 fps in major towns and 60+ everywhere else. It looks beautiful as well.
  6. Dr. Goner

    DayZ's Missed Connections (Find Your Combat Logger!)

    I started this thread on January 9th. Dear sweet moderators, please combine if possible. Thank you!! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/163533-missed-connections/
  7. Dr. Goner

    Missed Connections

    I started this thread on January 9th. Notice the time stamp at the top :)
  8. Dr. Goner

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Tired joke is tired. Stop feeding trolls people.
  9. I'm curious about the patch on experimental. When it came out on Wednesday, it was unplayable for me. I was having similar fps issues that I had on the patch before last. The current stable build is F'n awesome for me as far as fps goes, I'm getting 40 - 50 in towns and 60 or more most other places. Does anyone know if they've updated the experimental since Wednesday or what the changelog for it is? Thanks!
  10. Dr. Goner

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    I have experienced none of these issues in five hours of play.
  11. Dr. Goner

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    I've been playing all morning (three plus hours) on multiple servers and have yet to experience a restart. I kind of with they would now because I'm somewhere special.
  12. Dr. Goner

    How I Fixed FPS

    OK, here's how I finally fixed my fps issue. 1. You have to get rid of any pre patch gear. I decided to just remove everything from my current character and leave it under a tree. You DO NOT want to give this gear away. It will cause problems. 2. You have to convince folks that you play in close proximity of to do the same thing. Their pre patch gear will screw up your afternoon. They are not going to want to do this but we tested it and it works, so you could always shoot them and hide their body for the greater good. 3. Follow this guide and make as many of the changes as you are comfortable making. I was unable to set the -winxp option because when I set it I couldn't adjust video settings without the game crashing. I also upped the player.DayZprofile changes a bit. I like to see trees in the distance :) Here's the guide: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216291078#-1 I like this guide because it offers general solutions to fps issues but also addresses concerns about the latest patch towards the end. Good luck everybody! Let me know how it works for you. EDIT: Also thanks to everyone who posted information on this subject. Nothing I'm stating here is new and several others discovered this fix before me. EDIT 2: Worth noting after doing this I'm getting 60 frames on average and up to 100 at times. So the devs have greatly improved performance there's just something weird going on with the old gear. I know it stinks to lose gear but it's SO fun gearing up. The hardest part is it was impossible for me to test each individual item. I feel like some items are probably good but to be safe, dump it all.
  13. Ugh, god. Really really cool buddy! Just don't think about the time that you will never get back while creating it and you SHOULD be fine ;)
  14. Dr. Goner

    Animation Bug

    I noticed yesterday that my character appears stuck in the weapon changing animation to other players looking at me when I switch to the .45 This has happened on multiple occasions and I've witnessed similar bugs while watching other player. The tricky thing about this bug is that the player experiencing it thinks all is well. In other words I didn't see it happening and only realized it when my friend said, "your stuck in the animation again." It clicked finally that he was saying this everytime I switched to the .45 As soon as I switch to another weapon or grab a canteen, he told me the animation stopped. Here is my report. It's pretty generic, but I was hoping we could all come together and try to examine some of these bugs a little more carefully. It's similar to other characters walking in floors or in walls. Every time someone tells me I'm in the floor, everything looks fine on my screen... anyway. Hope this helps and I'd love to hear feedback from those that have noticed specific details on issues such as this. Weapon switching animation bug report: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=8600
  15. Dr. Goner

    Animation Bug

    No, I have some video but I've yet to edit it down. It's not something that can really be captured in a screen shot. The character experiencing the glitch will appear normal to himself but to others he will appear to move sliding across the landscape while moving his arms as if switching inventory items over and over and over again. I'm thinking now that it may have something to do with switching to certain items while crouched but once you complete another action the bug stops. It's an elusive one, but I have witnessed it happening while watching other players as well.
  16. Dr. Goner

    Is this on the radar?

    I've tried to start reporting these bugs. They are difficult because the player that you see "glitching" doesn't see anything out of the ordinary, so lone wolf players will never know anything is wrong. I realized yesterday that when switching to the .45 my player appears stuck in a weapon changing loop to nearby players. I reported it here, please feel free to upvote and leave comments. Though these bugs seem elusive, there is a reason that they are happening. Placing them all under the same umbrella of "player / zed glitch through wall ugh!!" does nothing to help development. So try to take note of every thing that is going on with both characters in the scene and the scene itself and make your bug report as detailed as possible. Thanks! Here's mine: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=8600
  17. That's a gif not a meme sir, get it straight or go back to looking at cat videos . I like gifs especially this one.
  18. Memes should die. I like the one story yellow houses, they have wood siding on the back. They have a kitchen that normally has lots of food. I find a bag of rice every time I go into one of those. They're my main objective as a fresh spawn in order to get my healthy status. Here's the room: Here's the house:
  19. Dr. Goner

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    Make an official bug report and attach a small video link with examples of the sound if you really want to help out. Here's where: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/bug_report_page.php
  20. Dr. Goner

    Game Development Priorities

    I only get the timer when I try to log into a server that I just logged out of. I can switch servers without experiencing it. I think, now you have me questioning my sanity because I thought that feature was implemented to prevent ghosting. EDIT: Also, just from following rocket on twitter, reddit, twitch streams, and here, it seems the main priorities at the moment are zombie and loot respawning. While they work on these larger issues, they are fixing bugs, adding items, and making improvements to the mechanics where they can. Honestly, I play a lot of alpha games and this one is rolling along much better than most.
  21. Dr. Goner

    Game is completely unplayable right now.

    Try this thread. That issue is being worked on as well but very few people are experiencing it. Rocket is suggesting that it may be due to a firewall setting on your machine and or router. This one is difficult because most aren't experiencing it and it can't be reproduced by the devs. Discussion here with Rocket's comments: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164323-update-161-player-proximity-desync-issue-solutionsworkarounds/ This is being worked on and there is currently a fix being tested in experimental. Many many many people experienced this and it didn't take long to resolve at all. Should be pushed to stable on Wednesday or before.
  22. Dr. Goner

    Game is completely unplayable right now.

    You don't have to wait two days. You can switch to experimental or drop your stuff and have fun getting geared up again. As far as the walking is concerned, have you tried right clicking? Not trying to be rude, I understand that it can be counter intuitive when the character is stuck slow walking.
  23. I really hope they go with a fortification system similar to Project Zomboid. Basically, you would have the ability to bar doors and windows, build fences, things like that. You would be editing current structures as opposed to building entirely new ones. Of course, you would also be able to tear them down.
  24. Dr. Goner

    How I Fixed FPS

    Seems like what they found, and why my fix worked was due to the fact that if you were in proximity to anyone with the same item in the same state as yourself there was general chaos, this is why dumping my gear fixed my problem: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1xibwg/number_1_priority_for_the_dayz_today_10feb14/cfbrt8h The link I posted originally to the steam FPS improvement topic will also still help to greatly improve FPS.
  25. Dr. Goner

    Let get MINIMALIST

    I've been thinking about going sans back pack. Just a tac vest, shirt, and cargo pants. Yesterday, due to questionable bugged gear, I started only carrying a hunting rifle for self defense. I want to try and keep all my survival essentials in my clothing and fill a back pack with medical and star doing the reddit rescue force stuff.