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Dr. Goner

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Everything posted by Dr. Goner

  1. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    It's just a nice image. Him alone in there drinking it all in before he sets it free. What a journey this has been and it's only the Alpha. I've never followed the development of any product, game, movie, etc. like I've followed DayZ.
  2. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Rocket is the only one on the test server. I love to think that it's completely ready and they're just giving him some time alone in the world he's created right before they unleash it. He deserves it.
  3. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Please, I beg you. We don't need any more pointless posts than we already have. :)
  4. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Ha! I hardly go back to the first page anymore, but good point I'll check back there first from now on.
  5. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Didn't see that anyone had posted this so I thought I would. Is this a Lee with an aftermarket scope?!? https://twitter.com/Hicks_206/status/397856729834061824/photo/1
  6. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    I rarely played the mod on a server with over twenty people on it. I know there were a lot of busier ones out there but it always seemed to me that the average was around twenty. I don't think anyone has seen the test server maxed out yet. In fact, I think the highest it's gone is 22. I am curious myself what the large MP test is going to look like.
  7. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Any body see any server stats for the day? I don't have those pages bookmarked and was curious about the testing. Thanks!
  8. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    To be fair, there has been a vacuum of information lately and I think that's what's led to the wild speculation. I've come to accept that it will be out when it's playable and I trust the judgement of the Devs on that subject as I'm no expert. I have to admit (turning slightly red) I even thought they could have possibly released it on Halloween, just due to it being in the survival / horror genre. Any info would not only be appreciated but I think it would do some real good as far as speculation is concerned. Halloween was lightly speculated upon but I think the 5th of November thing is believed by many more. It would be nice to hear at least "It's not going to happen on the 5th." so we can all move on to speculating about Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Quanza, and the rest of the arbitrary dates ;)
  9. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    I'm pretty sure they haven't completely reworked the zombies, as in their animations and movements and everything. When rocket has been speaking of the zombies, he means the server side zombie spawn system is working. That has nothing to do with what the final Zeds will be.
  10. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I understand poking fun at the rumor trolls but, to be fair, there has been a vacuum of information lately and I think that's what's led to the wild speculation. I've come to accept that it will be out when it's playable and I trust the judgement of the Devs on that subject as I'm no expert. I have to admit (turning slightly red) I even thought they could have possibly released it on Halloween, just due to it being in the survival / horror genre. Any info would not only be appreciated but I think it would do some real good as far as speculation is concerned. Also, you forgot to add November 5th to your list of speculative dates. Halloween was lightly speculated upon but I think the 5th of November thing is believed by many more. It would be nice to hear at least "It's not going to happen on the 5th." so we can all move on to speculating about Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Quanza, and the rest of the arbitrary dates ;)
  11. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

  12. Dr. Goner

    Whats your theory

    I usually bust it straight for Polana. I like to get geared up there since it's less traveled, generally speaking. Like to head to Berenzino after that.
  13. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Skepticism party was a few months ago. We're all on the optimism train now. If you take a close look at all the images and various comparisons that people have done, the SA really looks a lot better than Arma 2. If you can find the Polana comparison, I thought it showed a crazy amount of new detail in trees, extra buildings. It just looks way better.
  14. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    That seems to be the case. The clothing looks great and extremely varied. I wonder if they can easily move arma 3 items over to SA?
  15. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Lee Mother F'n Enfield. Am I right in saying that's the first firearm we've seen besides the m4? EXCITEMENT!!!!! EDIT: Apparently it's a mosin. Thanks to generelleasy for the correction. Still, is that the first firearm we've seen confirmed in SA besides the M4?
  16. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    You all are beeting me to the vegetable references.
  17. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    OK, noted you think it's fake and no one here can prove to you that it's real. We've all heard your opinion. Most of us are choosing to believe it's authentic because they are live servers and we recognize many of the user names as mods and devs we've grown to know and love. Plus, we know they're doing a large multi player test soon, this was confirmed by rocket. I ask kindly, can we move on to something else now?
  18. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Ok, I'll bite. What's your point?
  19. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Oh they're real alright.
  20. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I would give you a kiss. I'll make it a long weird kiss with my eyes open if you tell me how many players have been on said server for how long successfully.
  21. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw Copious beans to whoever replaces the band members faces with the developers. EDIT: Also, there's a brief shot of the coast at 2:45.
  22. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Ha! Why is everyone saying this is it? Is it just a random "excitement bubble" or is there something in Hick's last tweet that makes you think it's actually coming in the next 24-48? From what Rocket said, I thought they still had a large multiplayer test to run. Thanks!
  23. Dr. Goner

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I'm not sure I follow you. Please elaborate. I played Pong. Does that make me a "vet"? I've never beat someone with a keyboard after losing to them during competition.
  24. Dr. Goner

    Leave mod after SA

    Exactly, I hope the hard working individuals that have kept the mod going continue thier work towards a really nice Arma3 version. I know that some disagree with, but I think it would be awesome. We'll have Chernarus in the SA and Altis for the mod.