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Dr. Goner

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Everything posted by Dr. Goner

  1. Dr. Goner

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I wonder if the people complaining realized that a lot of us followed the development of standalone for a FULL year before the game was even released as alpha. Every conversation and argument that you're making was literally made one hundred times before the game even came out. Do you play any other alphas? I've been playing Project Zomboid, Kerbal Space Program, Space Engineers, and a few others. DayZ is updated more than ANY of them. ANY. Find something else to do with your time besides coming on here to complain. It accomplishes nothing. Good day, see you in a month.
  2. Dr. Goner

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    The loot is fixed on experimental but those servers are so full that there is no loot. It's a paradox. I can't get the damn experimental servers to show up in my list anyway. I only get one DE-04 and it's always at 38/40 but I just sit at Wait For Host after clicking connect. I've been on a hiatus from the game for a month or so. I think I'll stay away until loot respawn, persistent storage, and hunting/cooking are in. It will be a new game at that point.
  3. Dr. Goner

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I haven't been able to find any of those in the server list. Not sure what's going on.
  4. Dr. Goner

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Well... maybe not. I updated to a new version when I switched to experimental but I don't see any servers at the moment. Are they not online for 116315 version? Thanks!!
  5. Dr. Goner

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Played after the maintenance yesterday morning on regular-stable branch and didn't have any issues at all as far as desynch etc. are concerned. I'm switching to experimental now to see how it's going at the moment.
  6. It's blatantly clear that most of the people posting on this thread have no idea what it means to plan an early access game. DayZ has had more updates and additions than any other early access game I play. Project Zomboid, Kerbal Space Program. etc. DayZ also has a much clearer roadmap than most early access games. The problem with DayZ is the fact that the developers communicate with the community making them feel like they all have a voice. And when you make people feel like that, they come on here and say stupid shit like "need vehicle now" and "where u AS50 at bruh" The game is coming along nicely. I haven't played in a while as I am personally waiting for persistent storage and hunting. I know it could be months before those features are on the stable build, but I know there are hundreds of hours of DayZ in my future. Also, if you have recently come into this thread and asked "When is the next update coming". Do a little research next time. I won't be answering questions for people that are to lazy to search for two minutes themselves.
  7. Dr. Goner

    Ranking Of Melee Weapons ?

    Not sure, I hit a zombie in the face with one five times and it never died.
  8. Dr. Goner

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    Dumbest. Feedback. Ever.
  9. Logged into 42 experimental server and had the worst performance yet. It took a few seconds every time I approached a door for the icon to pop up. I wasn't desynching at the time so I'm not sure why it was so laggy. Also, the zombie and other "random" noises are worse than ever. It was a full 50/50 server but those noises make the game almost unplayable for me at this point.
  10. Not to be a complete contrarian here but I figured a jump this large 37 - 42 would have included basic cooking, possible some hunting and maybe even persistent storage. Perhaps it's not fully updated and only the title as some have suggested. Or, as in previous updates, we might be pleasantly surprised when we hop in and see things not in this list.
  11. what makes this different from 37? It looks almost exactly the same to me.
  12. I've been a member of the forum for over a year. My post number is below average. Some of these "members" have posted 1000 times in a MONTH!
  13. Yeah I check in once in a while to see what's going on and have to wade through all of your shit to get some answers. Try yahoo instant message service if you need company.
  14. I see now how people get to 1200 posts in 3 months. Has this turned into a chat room? Some of you need to try posing every 100th idea that pops into your head because all it does is clog this thread with useless irrelevant crap. I've seen people post three times in a row essentially saying nothing. FFS find something else to do with your time.
  15. Dr. Goner

    My First DayZ Video

    This is my first ever DayZ video. Please be gentle, but I would prefer any feedback you can offer. It was fun to edit together. I was inspired after an early morning player kill on experimental branch. Thanks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU1kH7h3TUY&feature=youtu.be
  16. Dr. Goner

    My First DayZ Video

    Honestly, probably not, just because when I searched him he was double armed Mosin on his back and a m4 in his hands, so he couldn't have put his gun away to seem nonthreatening.
  17. Dr. Goner

    It's like the zombies never end!

    Almost feels like the mod again! I remember when firing the Old Lee "Dinner Bell" in Cherno was basically a death sentence. Can't wait to see how hard they are further on in the development process.
  18. Some people just won't be happy until they can do this in game.
  19. Dr. Goner

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    !!Congrats!! Worst first post ever.
  20. Dr. Goner

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Yes some buildings don't spawn anything but he has also stated that this game is not Arma. It is a survival simulator and if you think those tents will be what they were, you're wrong. Just play Arma 3 wasteland if you want PVP with high end military gear. You can have a jet if you want... literally. EDIT: I should also note I think you all are being trolled as far as the tent spawns go. That was obviously there in the beginning because there was nothing else to do and it was a perfect way to debug stuff. How big of a bug could it be to set the loot variables. Admins were able to do this on their servers in the mod.
  21. Dr. Goner

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    The loot is not broken in the tent areas. THEY WILL NEVER SPAWN AS MUCH MILITARY GEAR AS THEY DID BEFORE. This is not a COD style game. This is a survival simulator. If you think this game is moving towards more military gear you are dead wrong. In fact, it's exactly the opposite. More civilian style weapons with survival elements raised continuously.
  22. Dr. Goner

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Anyone know when this is going to stable? I thought it would be pushed this morning during maintenance but I'm not sure if it was or not. Thanks!
  23. Dr. Goner

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Seems like zombies are respawning now to me.
  24. Dr. Goner

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    They're not broken. They were spawning to much loot in the first place.
  25. Dr. Goner

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    It's going to be cardiac arrest from trauma. It's going to add greatly to the entire health system over all. If you get shot with a military rifle. It should take some work to bring you back. Stop the cardiac arrest, stabilize heart beat, perform blood transfusion. What would you prefer? Get shot equals dead or an elaborate health system adding to the overall scope of the game and the story of your character.