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Dr. Goner

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Everything posted by Dr. Goner

  1. He means yes, you will be able to customize your character in greater detail than in the mod, but he doesn't speak to specifics. I think when he mentions other titles he's just referring to the vast array of character customization that exists in the world of gaming and that DayZ's will be unique in the same regard. I know there are a multitude of races and genders available. From the images we've seen, I don't think body type is that varied, but I think there are several hair colors. It seems like your character will slowly become customized due to the great variety of clothing that can be found in game as well.
  2. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Did you read the Hicks Q & A that was posted earlier? He answered both of your questions.
  3. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Because everyone jumped in there and started typing random incomprehensible bull shit until it drove Hicks crazy. Mob mentality is horrible. I watched the chat for like thirty seconds last night before I lost faith in humanity. I then played Project Zomboid and died over and over and over and over, but I know how to cook food now. For crying out loud that game is HARD.
  4. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Dean 'Rocket' Hall (Rocket2Guns; DayZ Project Lead) (opening this will be a wall of text; be advised) Note: Upon review, Hicks had mentioned he'd close the chat until tomorrow lunch time which means they will resume the questioning if one of the BIS employees are around. I'll leave this up to opening on further editing. ★DayZ Steam Community Group Chat ★ DayZ Steam Community Group Page This is probably the most information we've seen in eight weeks or more. Thanks for putting it together!!
  5. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    There's nothing to it. I wasn't an early adapter and sort of got pulled in against my will, but now I like it quite a bit. It's especially nice for keeping all games up to date and tidy. My steam id is on my profile page here, ad me as a friend if you get a chance.
  6. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    It's actually a pretty cool feature. If you're a member of a group, you can always see what games the other members of that group are currently playing.
  7. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    "56 in game" refers to the number of members in that group (in this case DayZ) that are currently in ANY game, not necessarily the game associated with that group. That's how steam groups work. Hope that makes sense. The 56 doesn't mean there are 56 people playing DayZ.
  8. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Here's a another reddit thread on the subject. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1qhhts/dayz_official_steam_group_gets_a_banner/
  9. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    There is some mild rumbling about a new DayZ group having been created on reddit. It does show up on Matt's profile and if you search dayz, states there are 700+ members, but the link keeps erring out when I click it. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1qhj4i/dayz_group_chat_is_up_you_can_join_from_the/ EDIT: The steam link not the reddit link ;)
  10. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Imagine if that was the last thing that rocket ever posted and the game never came out. Think: wounded manatee trying heroin for the first time
  11. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Oh, it feels so good! I don't ever want to come down.
  12. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Hmmm... Any idea what that means? Do you think he means that upon release it will be an arduous task downloading and installing the game due to unleashing it on a wide scale?
  13. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Could someone please repost the test server links and steam db link? Thanks!!
  14. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Found the thread on Standalone server status. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/150565-servers-in-sa/?hl=%2Bstandalone+%2Bserver+%2Bsupport#entry1504329
  15. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Not trying to be rude, but you could just as easily show evidence dismissing my claim as I can dig up the evidence to support it. :)
  16. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Searching the forums you can find some of the info. They will definitely not be available immediately upon release. How long after is the question? It doesn't seem to have been addressed.
  17. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    It's buried somewhere in the updates from the last year, but I can assure you it is correct. I'll go back and try to find it. Some help from a moderator here would be much appreciated ;) It was around the same time that they said the game will not be available for modding until later down the road. Trust me it's there, unless they've made some sort of change.
  18. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    When do you plan on being able to host a server? We already went over this last week. Initially they will only be hosted by steam, this has been confirmed by Rocket. Private individuals will not be able to host DayZ servers until the full version is out, which could be months after the alpha release. I feel the need to reiterate this because I don't want people getting all upset when they realize they, in fact, cannot host a DayZ server and we don't know when they'll be able to. You might want to wait on purchasing your parts is all I'm saying.
  19. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    I think this says it all. Forget the train, return to your homes, it's coming soon, but probably not today.
  20. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Or the gaming version...
  21. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    For crying out loud. Leave the man alone. There is literally NOTHING you can do to make this go faster so just stop. Rethink your situation. Get a hobby, start drawing, maybe pick up a ukulele.
  22. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Can someone provide a link to the reddit posts that are being mentioned in the last few posts here? Thanks!
  23. Dr. Goner

    November Round-up

    Fair-weather Forum Denizens = the Mentally Stable. Just wanted to provide a vocab lesson for those unfamiliar with out little club. EDIT: By our little club I mean those of us who aren't fair weather, we are the insane. ;)