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Dr. Goner

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Everything posted by Dr. Goner

  1. Wow! Can you post a link to some of the games that you've made? I would really like to check out your work. I'm sure it's amazing. Unless, that function is literally the only one you know how to implement. I don't want to play a game where people just place bags on each other's heads.
  2. The back pack inception problem was causing servers to crash and many other performance issues when done over and over so I think it was a large problem.
  3. Dr. Goner

    Damaged stuff

    I have yet to find a magazine or ammo that was listed as anything other than pristine. Also, does anyone know when they plan to implement the conditions legitimately? When will guns get a condition status?
  4. I was joking about the bars but if you want to be a weirdo about it, I have been there, in fact, it's the first place I went after I geared up on release day. The town is actually extra amazing now because it's a free for all as far as loot is concerned. It will be the best town in the game.
  5. Dr. Goner

    Hand slot and Weapon slings

    Not sure about the slings. But hell why not, I definitely think if you log out with something in your hands you should have it when you come back in. I also think that if you can carry a gun and an axe why not two guns? So, it's really as simple as that for me. It makes literally no sense that you can currently strap on one gun and one axe but not two guns or two axes for that matter.
  6. I'm just assuming that he is filming from an actual flood/disaster area despite his calm demeanor.
  7. Hmmm... So what your saying is, "I have no idea what it will look like but it's not that interesting." The current state of the town in nowhere near complete. They haven't even added the freestanding houses yet. The only thing there is the train station and the downtown buildings. That town is going to be amazing. With the train station, the docs, the cliffs to the north, the hilly streets, it has two bars, we goin party down in the city on Guba bay. I say we make it the Chernarus equivalent of Nawlins' only have mardi gras every day instead of every year.
  8. Dr. Goner

    Turning DayZ into a real survival game

    A lot of these ideas sound great. I like that all XP gained are erased when you die. I think in the span of a characters "life" they should get better at certain things. People that respond to a post this long and intricate with, "NO XP" are morons by the way. I think you've set forth some really interesting ideas. A lot of them are similar to features in Project Zomboid, the emotional states and fortification systems. Honestly they add a lot to the experience. If you get chased for your life by diseased maniacs that want to rip you into pieces, your health is affected. I don't understand why members of the community would be OK with cholera but not anxiety. Both are documented illnesses with cures and causes. It's not like you're going to get anxious and never be able to relieve the symptoms. Most of this stuff is coming to the game whether we like it or not. It's the only way to complete the original vision of DayZ as a survival simulator. All those opposed, play some Project Zomboid and imagine those features implemented into DayZ. It would be awesome. And yes, getting better at something should be a reality, and yes, it definitely needs to be "ungrindable". I really like the solutions that you've put forth for ghosting and server hopping as well. They seem easy to implement and would definitely fix the problem. Nice list, beans for you sir. Ignore the naysayers, you don't see them taking the time to make a well thought out list of ideas in opposition to this.
  9. I think running back to "your" own corpse to recover "your" loot is ridiculous. Death should carry the ultimate consequences.
  10. Dr. Goner

    Is It Rumour or Fact?

    Bases and vehicles are in the long term plans. No way they will be implemented by the end of January. It will definitely be sometime this year. Each of those components is a huge undertaking.
  11. I think a lot of the people posting in this thread are being very short sited. Spray paint is going to have long lasted effects on the game as a whole. Sure, its initial application will be limited but eventually you will be able to tag buildings, mark trees to leave trails, customize cars, and so much more. Just think about how that will change the game. The zombies will be fixed, combat logging will be fixed, but for now let's enjoy each small feature they are adding. Just please, stop whining and remember that this game could be in an alpha state for SEVERAL months.
  12. Dr. Goner

    Painted Mosin Picture

    Git' er' dun'!!!
  13. Dr. Goner

    Ultimate Mosin Hunting Guide

    Car trunks (boots) have by far the most common instances of mosins in the game currently. Make sure to check the wrecked cars.
  14. OK, everyone read carefully and understand that this isn't happening until next week. Sorry to be redundant but I don't want people getting their panties in a bunch when it doesn't happen this weekend. The devs have clearly stated that this will take place next week. Experimental branch update on Monday and regular branch at the end of next week.
  15. Exactly, the zombies probably ate your corpse.
  16. Dr. Goner

    Rare high powered weapons

    I personally feel like semi automatic assault rifles are pretty powerful. I think what OP is getting at is something that a lot of folks have mentioned in the past. Less high grade military gear and more civilian/commoner weaponry. I think once the game is opened up for modding and private hives, there will be some really interesting servers that control the loot in very interesting ways. I'm not sure how BIS plans on changing the loot tables as we move forward. I remember one of the developers stating in the past that magazines and ammo were going to be "super" rare. Obviously that is not the case currently, but as they add more features and items I can see those materials becoming increasingly hard to come by. I, like many, think this would be a good thing. Anything that makes the game more of a survival simulator and less of a military simulator is great in my opinion.
  17. Dr. Goner

    Friendly's everywhere!

    KOS is just boring at this point. Last night, I was playing with a couple guys. They provided overwatch from the tree lines and hills while I stood out in the open drawing people in. Those that were friendly to me, we gave supplies, those that attempted violence, they shot from a distance. It was great! I have no idea why you would kill someone on sight at this point. There are so many other interesting outcomes. Eventually our operation was compromised by server hoppers that used ghosting to kill one of us. I could see the player and we had them surrounded on the top floor of a building. I said, "You're dead if you don't come out we have you surrounded." Their reply, "I can just log out, that's fair it's still in the game." How friggen' lame is that. I cannot wait until "ruined" items are actually ruined and the server hopping and combat logging is addressed. I think it will provide even greater experiences besides that of simply killing other players.
  18. Dr. Goner

    How to know what is better? From this two

    They offer the same amount of protection currently. I wish I could find where I read it but I cannot at the moment.
  19. Dr. Goner

    Non kos servers?

    I played on an interesting server last night. I know it had "son" in the name so if you search that you should find it. It was listed as non KOS but upon further inspection, it encouraged banditing. I found that most people were obeying the rules. Basically, they want people to rob, take hostages, and kill in more innovative ways than just shooting them in the back from 600 yards out. The group I was with stalked two people for an hour or so, never robbed them, just watched them from the hillsides. We ran into a new spawn and stopped him. He was friendly and compliant so we gave him a canteen and let him go on his way. Had he been a dick we planned on force feeding him rotten fruit and making him do our bidding until he died. Jesus Christ this game is getting weird. I can't imaging how awesome it's going to be when they implement more features. It was also nice for those east coast folk, the day night cycle is set so that the sun rises around 8pm EST. I like to get a little night time play in but it was fun to see my first sunrise.
  20. I think you were server hopping and it's lame as hell. I also don't think they should be able to kick or ban you for it. It's an exploit, simple as that. Some do it some don't. I love when I'm looting a military building and I see someone like you suddenly appear. I bet they get so pissed when they realize they've been killed. From what I understand, you often don't even hear the shots and most people think it's some kind of glitch. No, you just got shot in the face for exploiting. I don't hold it against you as it is something you can do, but it's nice being able to kill those that I catch doing it. Also, before you start crying, "I can log out wherever I want, not server hopping blah blah waaaaaaa!!!" I agree with you but if you are stupid enough to log out in a military building, you deserve to die when you log back in, especially if it's on a different server than the one you logged out of or at a completely different time of day. There are certain places on the map that are shoot on site, military encampments are definitely one of them.
  21. Yeah, I'm down with a local only solution. I had a character alive from the point of the initial large security related wipe on like day 3. He only died this past Saturday to a desync glitch. It would be nice to be able to see him in my records. Also, I know Rocket is a huge fan of Space Station 13 and in that game you have the option to name your character or go with a random name each time. I would like to see something like that as well. Project Zomboid also let's you rename characters or go with a randomly generated name each time you start. If you incorporate the character name with your simple local list, I think it would provide a good snapshot of all your playthroughs.
  22. Dr. Goner

    Do you HOP or STICK?

    I don't hop to get geared up, that takes all of the fun out of the game. I love traversing the map. I have no idea why someone would jump from server to server just to get gear. That sounds boring as hell to me. I will hop during server restarts or other technical weirdness.
  23. Also, there are FAR worse things you can do to a player than killing them. You can befriend them take them to the wilderness. Break their legs, bandage their wounds, take all their stuff and leave them crawling with no way to heal the break. This forces them to starve to death. What's worse you could force feed them water and food to elongate the process. They can crawl looking for morphine or stay logged in long enough to starve. Hell you could continue to check back in on them from time to time, feeding and watering them. Now that's a meta game. They would basically be forced to reinstall the game. Note: I play as a nice guy. In the mod shooting on site made sense, but now it's just plain boring, there are so many more innovative ways to grief people.
  24. KOS threads are like a sore tooth for me. I just can't help investigating. Immediately met with a wall of text and I realize, there is nothing different about this than any other KOS thread. The suggestions that you are making have been made hundreds of times.