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About screwloose45

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. screwloose45

    Day Z Videos

  2. Guy runs up, one second later I'm "unconscious" aka dead. They seem to do a little more than just knock you down.
  3. I learnt this yesterday after a fresh spawn ran at me with only his fists out, fists aren't gonna do anything right? WRONG. Unless you're wearing a helmet, a single punch to the head will kill you. ARE YOU SERIOUS. Who's idea was this? Technically the punch will render you unconscious, but unless you have a friend standing by with epinephrine, you're dead. So good job. I will now KOS any fresh spawn within 25ft of me.
  4. screwloose45

    Day Z Videos

  5. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1u42lg/take_off_your_pants_now_or_were_gonna_kill_you/