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sai (DayZ)

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Everything posted by sai (DayZ)

  1. Click your name on top right of the forum, then click my settings, then signature.
  2. sai (DayZ)

    Zombies should run faster than players

    Bullshit. The best zombie games have slow REAL zombies. Left for dead is an arcade fps, and dead rising is a joke. Not bad games, but not survival games.
  3. Well he's been working on it for years.
  4. Kind of worrying how clueless dean seems to be at playing his own game.
  5. sai (DayZ)

    Dayz Heinz Baked Beans Partition

    They are nicer than most beans I've had, maybe the nicest. But they are stuffed with sugar.
  6. sai (DayZ)

    Zombies should run faster than players

    As has been said once stamina is in the game plus added zombies, running thru a town will be dangerous. You will run out of stamina before you run out of zombies. Forcing you to barricade yourself in a house or fight them. Having all zombies run faster than you is retarded. They are corpses, not usain bolt. You brake usain bolts leg, rot his flesh and keep him out of training, he's not going to sprint after you. No matter how much adrenalin he has. This whole rage virus type stuff is bullshit, thats not a zombie. And is an insult to the zombie idea. A zombie Apocalypse is countless dead people after you, not perfectly healthy nutters...
  7. Is there an issue with having them? I would of thought it was free advertisement. I don't really like the ones in now, I understand its russia, but they are bound to have these brands too.
  8. sai (DayZ)

    Brand name foods, heinz, coke etc.. why they gone?

    Dean and BI could make their own type of beans and drinks. More money. (I know unlikely) I know when I was playing metal gear solid 3, I saw calorie mate and wanted to buy them, if they sold it in my shops I would have.
  9. sai (DayZ)

    Brand name foods, heinz, coke etc.. why they gone?

    After one million sales I think they might regret that decision. Is there information on the team contacting them? You read it on the forum?
  10. sai (DayZ)

    USE FOR PAPER IN DAYZ! a.k.a. How I play DayZ

    My key bored is sticky enough so that I just press it once and it stays.
  11. sai (DayZ)

    Any Idea on when the next patch is??

    Thats the whole point of an alpha tho.. To make stuff and test it, we are the willing testers. who paid money to test it. You can't treat it like a full game and make everything work before releasing it, if so wtf are we doing here.
  12. sai (DayZ)

    Any Idea on when the next patch is??

    I bet it's only little fixes that dont add anything to gameplay. Maybe an extra gun. I think day z is going to be boring for quite a while. and will negatively affect its reputation to new players. Being part of a game in the making is great.. if new stuff is added regularly. Otherwise it just fades away. I can see this happening to dayz unfortunately.
  13. sai (DayZ)

    Low CPU usage

    When I set shadows to high I get less fps
  14. sai (DayZ)

    Metal Detector in DayZ SA

    Could find buried loot hidden by players with the shovel too.
  15. Zombies that can climb through windows. And player ability to climb in out them too. Big mutant zombies that will stalk you, like in resident evil 3. All vehicles intractable/ salvageable/usable, no static "decoration" cars. Lower the graphics on zombies, so we can have more on screen. Stamina feature, sprinting from zombies no longer an easy way out. Zombie play mode, I imagine playing as a zombie and having the ability to call other zombies to a survivors location. I've tried to keep out idea that I've seen posted constantly.
  16. I know we will get vehicles, I'm talking about in the mod there are cars everywhere, you can't interact with them in anyway, they are just decoration and bring the game down.
  17. Idk about the cars being planned, has it been said somewhere? As in no static cars.
  18. A player controlled zombie would be scary, you seem to want that. And there are fake cars in the mod.
  19. You don't like the thought of a smart player controlled zombie after you so you can survive him? And if you get bored you can play as a zombie and hunt other players.
  20. sai (DayZ)

    The KOS conundrum, problem/solution.

    Talking about the mod? You must of ran over the whole place looking for them, because that never happens to me. Unless I look for them myself. I think the zombies and game in general needs a graphic reduction. As it is there is no way we are going to get lots of zombies as you've stated. Doesn't mean it needs to look bad.
  21. sai (DayZ)

    The KOS conundrum, problem/solution.

    KOS will go down massively when zombies are a problem, Right now they are just worthless, they were in the mod aswell. Once teaming up becomes usefull to staying alive, the KOS will not be an issue. All that needs to happen is more zombies, stronger zombies, zombies that will climb thru windows, stalk you. hunt you. Going into a town should get 50 plus zombies after you if you're not super carefull. In cherno or elecktro, 100's. ZOMBIES EVERYWHERE. And they need to be a real threat. It should also be possible to play as a zombie, be able to alert other zombies to survivors location.
  22. sai (DayZ)

    Sun is very bright...Something is wrong

    The sun needs to be worked on its pretty unrealistic. But you are looking almost right at it, don't you have other pics?
  23. sai (DayZ)

    What are you most looking forward too for Full Release

    Lot and lots of zombies.
  24. So I used the code in the store to get the free emote, but when I type it in the chat box nothing happens. WTF?