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About MintBerriCrunch

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MintBerriCrunch

    Late Night Group.

    Just give me your skype name bitches.
  2. I'm looking for DayZ players, who can be strategic and also have fun, I'm sick of all my friends who play once a week for about an hour and then get off. I've been playing DayZ for 6 months or so, I usually player anywhere from 6-12 hours a day. I've ran groups before and most have been successful, it was a lot of fun. I do have a few rules though. YOU MUST BE +16. NO EXCEPTIONS. Have a bit of experience with groups. Must be able to have fun (I do care about you being racist, sexist and curse as much you want ) As long as you're not offending anybody. Everyone can give ideas on what to do where to go, what tactics to use, I'm not going to tell you what you have to do. Must have Skype, unless you can over a Team Speak server we can use. Must be able to speak full English ( had people before who couldn't.) You must be able to fly Helicopters because seriously there is nothing worse then a group member finding a Heli, taking off in it to bring it to us, then telling us he can't fly and crashing, this has happened many times ahahha. You can record gameplay if you like. If you are interested or have any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you for reading.
  3. I'm an experienced player and I enjoy getting into the game and using such tactics as flanking and formations. I'm 17 and I'm more of a stealthy, cautious player and stick away from cities and high populated areas until geared. I play around 8 hours a day and can work around time zones and such to play as a group. I speak english as you can tell, I'm not a child and I do take the game serious but can still have a bit of a joke, I might seem a bit young to you but in the end it's your decision. Thank you.
  4. Most of my friends have stopped playing the game, I've been playing DayZ since not long after release, just looking for some strategic people who want to play some serious DayZ. Have to be 16+ I can't stress that enough.