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About Grocman1

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  1. I need help attacked by bandit killed him but now im knocked out low blood bleeding and broken legs. Im currently wearing a hero skin and my ingame name is ZKS Helton. Send me a message and ill give my skype and then we will talk. My postition is near the pond prud in the old fields above Stary Sobor.
  2. Grocman1

    looking for partner/group

    Added you let me know if you wanna join.
  3. Grocman1

    Vigilance, Looking for 1 More.

    I dont know if you will accept me and my brother we are both 16 and played the game formonths we currently know a server where they stupidly built their base at cap golvia and have lots of guns on the island behind them so add me on skype which is lacyhs2179 if we can join.
  4. Grocman1


    So I was playing the other day and thought to myself. How come if you have a M4A1 CCO SD how come you cannot take off the sights or even if you wanted the silencer? Maybe an idea to implement in the game is to make the guns that have modifications in game have a even lower chance to spawn while being able to find modifications for your gun(or guns)? Maybe add the ability to change the "skin" of your gun to become a different camo or get rid of the camo paint all together. In a way this would greatly increase the meaning to the gun of the owner. Maybe your character could attach a flashlight on their M16 with a new silencer? Or maybe the character adds a long range scope to his machine gun or maybe if the amazing Dayz team can put in Bayonets with a unmapped default key to use the close range bayonet to kill a zombie or player silently? The possibilities could go on and on. So what are your thoughts on this?
  5. I love you so much i will kill you and take your skin off and wear it around the house. Nude...
  6. Have you traded this already?
  7. Hmm I havent heard of that but underground would be great
  8. Thanks for no trolling so far! haah surprised this hasn't been trolled.
  9. Whoops forgot to add that after the cistern haha. But ya drinking alcohol should have affects on the character vision and movement like if you actually got buzzed or drunk in real life.
  10. Dear Dayz Staff members, First off thanks for making this great mod but one thing I have always wanted in this game it to make a crude base. Like make the abilities to add wood or metal fences and to create shacks that can serve a purpose the builder chooses. Like to make the building/shack the armory or as the food or drink storage. Maybe to create a cistern for purifying water. Maybe make outhouses for cosmetics reasons and maybe make the player able to farm crops and such as an alternative form of substance. Maybe you can add the ability to make makeshift weapons and make guns spawn less. Maybe add the ability to create generators to power the outpost or to be able to find small generators like at a store. Lastly, maybe add the possibility to reinforce the cars so they can withstand more damage from hitting objects. If you put this into consideration it may make this game a lot better in my opinion but if you cannot make this possible for I understand the many difficulties of adding new content and changing content and keeping all the bases there as the server resets. Thank you for reading and considering this thanks for your time. -Hayden Lacy
  11. Grocman1

    Pending Update: Build

    Thanks alot Rocket for making such a great game it gets boring play Skyrim and Fable 3 so I just switch to this awesome mod. Keep up the great work and thanks again.
  12. My name is Helton in game and steam is grocman1 send an inivite if you can or want willing to fight for you all.
  13. Grocman1

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi, My name is Helton, in game and Hayden in life! I love this mod and love killing bandits and Zombies! BTW its easy to tell if they are a bandit if they hid in towers or stalk others to kill!