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dr mailman

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About dr mailman

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  1. dr mailman

    Night time gameplay

    Nvg range is pretty retarted. people should stop complaning and ditch those 24/7 day time servers. it kills the imersion. I remember the first time i played dayz at night time. i was literaly shittinf bricks all over my computer. and yea if.your in the country and someone turns.on a flashlight you will be able to see it for a very long time.
  2. dr mailman

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125443. would this be a good grapics card to run dayz on highest settings? im going for a i5 for proccesor
  3. dr mailman

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input: ping pong ball(s), tinfoil Output makeshift smoke grenade Tools: knife or hands FailChance 0.02/0.05 Enchantments = ActionType = thrown?
  4. This is probabley the wrong forum and i should ask the arma community but i thought id ask it here. Are theyre any tutorials for the advanced map editor on arma 2? Ive looked but ive only found then for the mission editor
  5. dr mailman

    DayZ Community afraid of the Dark?

    I honestly love nighttime in the game, and in rl on cloudy moonless nights it would be pitch blackl. i really think that you shouldent be able to change it to 24/7 day. I like it the way it is in vanilla
  6. dr mailman

    Hackers Dayz?

    White listed servers are the best for avoiding hacker I reccomend BMRF servers
  7. dr mailman

    A post about the mod

    Dmr,M9 m4a1cco i honestly hate the lee and will drop it for almost any gun incluiding the cross bow (its more impressive killing someone with it) lee is good for midrange only i find because at close range it doesnt have enough power and shoots way to slow for.my liking
  8. dr mailman


    Send me a pm im interested im est and i play on the same times
  9. The problem with servers spawning in with tents that it comes to Point where people have some many tents they dont know what to do with them so they place them. then you have hundreads of tents in areas and causes alot of server issues. ive seen this happen so bad one time they had to restart the whole server and delete everything and made the load out to have everything but tents
  10. dr mailman

    Forming a group of Road Bandits

    No its a privatr hive
  11. As being a lurker of both. I prefer the forums over the reddit because the community is better and i find its way more organized, If i want to read storys theyres a section for that if i just want to discuss theyres a section for that. I like reddit because it has pages from twitter youtube etc all on one page and dean regularly posts there. Also i find people post on the reddit and that some pages like bandit campfire are pretty dead here. Really once standalone comes out im probabley going to drop reddit all together because i mainly use it for info dean has to say to people. I dont think your ideas bad, ill take a look at it and it could end up being something good.
  12. dr mailman

    RP Character Bio for DayZRP

    What server?
  13. dr mailman

    Forming a group of Road Bandits

    I also havee played on hvb server
  14. dr mailman

    Forming a group of Road Bandits

    Im actually interested in this. i just got back into dayz and im going bandit style.
  15. dr mailman

    Looking for certain Youtubers

    I just watched that, pretty funny.