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About lexodus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. As the host and primary admin on the server that was attacked i vouch for what K8TOR has said. Several of the admins from the offending server joined ours and proceeded to harass my players and belittle our admins. They then began spawning in gear and eventually teleported everyone to them. One of the players specifical is A_Spicy_Meatabol. The others were smart enough to change their name but he did not. Another possible offender is the admin xmb8 who was in my server simply as 'Eight' who claimed to own a server but refused to tell us which. He asked questinos about our anti-cheat protection.
  2. lexodus

    DayZ Mod Update

    CA 56 The Outbreak is up and live on join TS at We also feature tow/airlift functions, aswell as automatic gas stations that slowly fuel your vehicle for you. Epeen monitor is a custom static feature, no need to press scroll lock to view it.
  3. definitely not from hacks (in my experiences). Myself and a few of my friends have been getting kicked for this and it started happening around when we started changing some things on our server but to see that everyone else is starting to get them makes me think its not actually corrupt data concerning the mod or the server or the client.
  4. lexodus

    CA 56 Now Live!

    Come try out our server. We are constantly changing and improving things to make the server safer and better to play on.
  5. lexodus

    CA 56 Now Live!

  6. CA 56 has been up for just over a week now but just because we are new doesn't mean we can't meet your expectations. This is what we have to offer you: Custom loadout, featuring a g17 and compass Over 150 vehicles, including some you wont see on other servers like the SUV, Mi17, and BAF Offroads You'll find these vehicles in over 800 different spawn locations Four restarts daily, every 6 hours, to ensure the server doesn't get bogged down and slow down your gameplay. Each restart cycle consists of 4 hours of day, 2 hours of night We provide a dedicated TeamSpeak server so our users aren't confined to ingame voice Daily database maintenance to reduce load times The server is protected by TSW's AntiHack featuring some of the most advanced admin tools ever created to deal with hackers in DayZ. A few of the other features you may not have seen before include custom built bases. No, we wont drive out to your camp and throw down tank trap kits and wire fences to keep your bicycle safe. We are talking custom made bases built into the map. This means if while landing your chopper you accidentally decide to park it on its side and break something, it will be back within 6 hours at the next server restart. We also offer custom loadouts per individual player. Don't like our servers default loadout? We can change it, just for you, every time you spawn. We also recognize that without bandits, DayZ kind of falls apart. You've got your ghillie and your rifle, plenty of beans in your bag. Now what? Well assuming you've made it that far, it's time to decide if you are going to bandit, or be a hero. We offer... incentives to people who want to be on our server, and want to kill people. While being a jerk to other gamers isn't cool, being a bandit keeps the game going, for everyone. To learn more about the server, custom loadouts, bases, and bandit incentives, email us at ca56.dayz@gmail.com. Or you can join our teamspeak at to talk to our players and admins.