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Posts posted by Fabarooni

  1. they aren't the only way to obtain it.

    Deer stands are technically "in the wild" and the best weapons I've had are from those.

    And if your problem is that there's lots of PvP in certain areas, why would you want to spread that out everywhere?

    The point of the game is that it's logical where things spawn. Barns have hunting rifles and shotguns, hospitals have meds, and military posts give you better weapons.

    If you want to avoid PvP, then you should go live in the woods. If you want good gear, then you should go fight for it. That's the point of the game.

  2. I'd definitely like to see the Mosin in this game.

    I'd also like it to be a rifle that ISN'T very loud. The Lee Enfield is basically useless unless you LIKE having every zombie in a square kilometre after you.

  3. I got this idea earlier today, and when I checked the forum tonight I saw that skins were becoming lootable, so I figured I'd throw my 10 cents into the pot.

    A few nights ago, my friends and I finally managed to join a server, but we were caught in the rain. Instantly our temperatures were dropping, and we were all fresh spawns so we didn't have any fire wood, and we were all spread out so we had to all meet up and get gear. By the time we had finally met up, we were starting to get sick.

    I actually thought this was one of the most amazing experiences I've had in a game so far. Even though our stressed and lengthy trek to the hospital in Cherno ended with a bandit killing all 4 of us, I found the hunt for antibiotics, fire wood, and matches one of the most thrilling things ever.

    This gave me an idea though: What if clothing became an equipment that you could use to give certain advantages over the environment?

    Example: If you found rain gear, you could equip it so that you didn't lose temperature (or at least your temperature loss was greatly slowed) in the rain. Or if you found camouflage, you could hide your name from far away bandits (on regular servers), and simply blend in better with your surroundings when you were on a server with no tags.

    This would also mean you could visually distinguish each other. Right now, the skins don't look the same to each player, so me and my friends kept confusing each other for randoms. I couldn't just think "John has a black shirt, jason has a white shirt" and we all communicate based on those lines, because to jason, John had a white shirt.

    I know the inventory system is already really cluttered, but I'd love to see your clothing become a part of this amazing mod. I think it makes perfect sense if you're going to have temperature be part of the game.

  4. Flashlights don't work during the day.

    I found a Remington 870, and my first go with it at night the flashlight worked flawlessly, even when I remapped it to my mouse thumb button.

    however, when i logged on again (still at night), the flashlight became spotty. Sometimes it'd turn on, and stay on even if i tried to turn off. I'd have to switch to my makarov to deactivate it.

    Now, after moving through several servers, the thing won't turn on at all.

    Is this a glitch or intentional? Please tell my they're not adding batteries to the game... I hardly used the flashlight.
