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About ReploidGodX

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  1. Again, I don't even remember where I heard that so don't take it too seriously cause it might just be rumor, just trying to contribute to the discussion.
  2. I don't like it either but the game is supposed to be a persistant world, IE logout and login the same spot. What we need to stop is server hopping and the best way to do that is to nulify or get rid of the advantages that would bring... somehow. Currently, in my opinion the only 'real' fix thats been suggested is no more master character server, character data is stored on whatever server you're playing on. everything else i've heard or seen only partially fixes the problem, brings new ones to the table that aren't that much better or aren't really fixes at all and really just amount to people complaining about said problem and damning those at fault. (not all of which are present in this thread I mind you)
  3. I thought I read somewhere in an interview someone did with rocket that he's planning on going that route anyway, the character you play with be saved to that server and that server only. Although this is heresay as I cannot remember where I heard this, seems to be the only true fix if you ask me, everything else just seems to be a waste of time.
  4. ReploidGodX

    Dedicated Servers for the love of God

    it's not going to happen and this thread is posted like 4 times a day. Give it a rest people! The game is in an alpha stage, rocket is going to fix whats broken and add features HE think is is right. we're here to bug report not influence development.
  5. ReploidGodX

    Which was your first gun?

    CZ550 i found in a barn with no ammo, I died shortly there after to zombies. I think I died about 10 times before I really got the hang of this game engine and it's weird controls.
  6. ReploidGodX


    yeah the DMR has a pretty high rate of fire for a sniper rifle. As other people have said it's more likely you just happened to get gunned down by a bunch of really accurate shots. tough break.
  7. yeah personally I think the bones breaking should be saved for falling and getting shot. I fail to see how a zombie would have the strength to break bones by punching.
  8. ReploidGodX

    alternate transportation?

    Sorry to break it too you but skate boards and roller blades are not and never were a mode of transportation.
  9. LOL gaming on a laptop, ohh how little some people know about things...
  10. I smell a D&D reference in here. anyone?
  11. ReploidGodX

    Blackholl, do you want your NVG back?

    what worries me is that people even pay attention to who they're killing, the hell does it matter? I've killed like 4 people and I don't remember a damn one of them, or even care who they are.
  12. ReploidGodX


    I always seem to find vehicles on servers I don't want to play on cause of it's settings. really wish I could find one on my usual server... :(
  13. ReploidGodX

    DayZ Map Question

    Okay well I'm sorry that I jumped to conclusions about your intentions of that post. I was so ready for someone to throw the usual crap at me and tell me that this isn't someplace I should be that I assumed that that's what you were doing and I sincerely apologize for it. Also, I understand that DayZ isn't really a "mod about zombies" it's more of what you described and that's why I like it. I recently helped a kick-starter project for another game involving zombies that promises survival aspects. I really enjoy what rocket is doing with this mod and I think projects like this need to be supported. There has been too many games LIKE dead island and L4D. Not to say that those games aren't enjoyable but there are too many like it and these kinds of games need publicity and support, of all kinds to show the gaming industry that these kinds of games are possible AND enjoyable. Again I apologize for what may have seemed like an attack, I was going under assumptions and lets be honest it's hard to tell the way someone meant something to be read.
  14. Dude I fucking LOVE deer stands, I spent 60-80% of my playtime running to and from them. I hate towns, nothing but deathtraps full of assholes, zombies and zombie assholes. I have found so much good shit in deer stands I couldn't possibly remember it all, I know for sure that I'm on my second DMR from deer stands though so I'm pretty lucky with them. My dad got his GPS in one, I found a GPS once but the server crashed as I was about to loot it (man was I livid). All in all I'd say anyone would be crazy to not hit up any deerstands they find.
  15. ReploidGodX


    it's not a glitch, it's a server running basically the default settings. people turn that off after awhile which really annoys me but hey, I can play without it so it's not a big deal.