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About rapotin

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Steam: rapotindayz skype: enquilibrium age 16, plays daily, wants to play seriously but not too seriously;) add me if you would like to play
  2. Name: Rapotin (don't want to use my real name on a public forum) Age: 16 Timezone: GMT +2 Your experience: 3-4 Months Favorite Gun: M24, DMR, AS50 Are you patient: I have sat 2 hours overwatching nw airfield so probably:) Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Ive always played in a group discluding times no-one was online. What Role would you prefer?: Sniper, tho i'd love to try something else if you have the need Got a Microphone?: Yes Skype Username?: Enquilibrium Steam: Rapotin Also if i don't get in the clan i want people that would like to play with me in the standalone to add me:)
  3. Hello, im a quite experienced player (2-3 months) 16 years old and im looking to start playing dayz again once the standalone comes out. What im looking for in a group: -Plays seriously -Age 15+ -Experienced -Active (plays mostly every day) -Lives in europe If you think you will fit in add me on steam: Rapotin
  4. rapotin

    ARMA 2 banned, DayZ Standalone?

    I admit that i did try a hack for a short time, and i regret that. I am worried that if i buy the standalone on the same steam account i will get banned from that too. Any thoughts?