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About Burunduk8

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  1. I threw in the C: \ Users \ ***** USERNNAME **** \ AppData \ Local \ ArmA 2 OA \ Battleye in D: \ Sream 2 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 2 \ Battleye and D: \ Sream 2 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead \ Expansion \ Battleye. Nothing helps.
  2. Yes, I'm sure you did it right, trust me, I looked at a lot of information about it. I do not know what to do because both want to play Dayz.
  3. How many forums I did not find nothing works.
  4. Still does not work. When the server is connected to the issue that I need to upgrade to version 1.185 BE.
  5. Does not help. As soon as I have not tried to update it.
  6. How I did not update to the latest version of BE, he still can not be updated and will not let me play. Is there any way to solve any problem?
  7. Сколько я не обновлял BE до последней версии он всё никак не может обновится и не даёт мне играть. Можно ли как нибудь решить эту проблему?
  8. Burunduk8

    Black screen and loading.

    Вообщем напишу для Русских так как с Англиским туго, а переводчик выдает совсем не то что я хотел. Начнем. У меня такая проблема: когда захожу в dayz после 15 минут игры появляется черный экран и по середине экрана надпись "загрузка", эта надпись мигает.
  9. Burunduk8

    Black screen and loading.

    Google transleyt campaign is not working.
  10. I apologize if this topic has already been at least I have not found. After 15 minutes of play, I get a black screen and in the middle of flashing download.