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About Vacumblood

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Vacumblood

    WANTED: The Hunters of the Hunters (13+)

    y u gotta be killing my kind man every time i try to be a surviver another surviver just kills me
  2. Vacumblood

    Sniper squadron recruitment application

    Age. 13. What experience do you have with a clan. never been in one. Why do you want to join. becouse i die every time i get any good gear. What can you bring to this clan. A extra bullet to the enemies head. What are u a sniper or a spotter. I never sniped and i never spotted so idk either i guess. Do u have skype. yes but i dont have a mic. (pie2.0) Are you already geard. no [see awnser #3] How long have u been playing for. Counting yesterday about... 30 minutes. Are you australian. no i am not. When are you available. Everyday between 12:00pm and 9:pm. Will you happily go retreive the loot from the players we kill. If i have a big back pack sure. Which sniper rifle would u prefer. I dont know many rifles so any long range one. btw i get good loot yes not just scaps of it?