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Everything posted by Rectal_Spelunker

  1. Rectal_Spelunker

    [21B] 21st Rangers Battalion [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

    Hi, Whendrix said I was unbanned, but I am still getting kicked off the server. Anything else you need from me?
  2. Rectal_Spelunker

    [21B] 21st Rangers Battalion [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

    Thank you very much Whendrix. I appreciate it. PM is on its way.
  3. Rectal_Spelunker

    [21B] 21st Rangers Battalion [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

    Where is your clear evidence of me hacking?
  4. Rectal_Spelunker

    [21B] 21st Rangers Battalion [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

    Whendrix, I did not Teleport to NWAF at all. I was there with my friend Dolaaa and Wi, we had all walked there from the coast. I do not hack, nor do I have any idea on how to hack. I dont know what kind of proof I can provide aside from friend testimony.
  5. Rectal_Spelunker

    [21B] 21st Rangers Battalion [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

    Can I get unbanned, plus the password? I was having a ton of fun on this server with Dolaaa, and I don't know why I got banned in the first place. Just says Admin Ban.