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Everything posted by shpootnick

  1. |IMP| Clan : History of the clan: Hey guys, so recently me and my friend started playing DayZ again. We were heading to cherno to get some medical supplies. The strat was simple, he would cover me and I would run up there. No big surprise, I got sniped with an AS50 from 100m.. That was pretty dumb, but I was a fresh spawn. My friend scouted the area and killed the bastard. Later, the dude went on Side chat: "Hey (my friend name) you got my as50?". After a long talk he said he was fully loaded, 4 SVD cammo, 3 AS50 , 7 DMR and a car. We though: we need a war and justice back to this server. He's out there slaying bambies. We then proceeded to declare war. He then said "good luck vs us". This is the story of our clan, from now on, a legend was created, a legacy, the Immortal Players Clan. :What we are looking for: To be honest, we are looking for any kind of help, but rifle man and snipers are strongly needed. We look for medics aswell. :Rules: We are a noble Clan, NOT A BANDIT CLAN. Here is a couple of rules you need to follow: Dont shoot on sight Help out clan members Respect your fellow clan members, beeing that, not stealing, killing or disrespect any clan members Follow orders Have fun C: :Resquest: Leave a request down there with your age, if you have skype/teamspeak3, experience, when you are avaliable and why you want do join our clan. We will PM any accepted member with our TeamSpeak/Skype and DayZ server. For justice, for compassion, for |IMC|.
  2. shpootnick

    Recruiting people for a war ASAP

    PM'd you all
  3. shpootnick

    Recruiting people for a war ASAP

    Not looking for that, looking for people to join our clan
  4. shpootnick

    Looking for a team ages 13-16

    added u m8
  5. shpootnick

    Recruiting people for a war ASAP

    Might need a ted bit more info :)
  6. shpootnick

    Group for fun

    Hi guys, Just came here today looking for standalone news and knowing that it will be out soon gets me all pumped up to play with a group. I can play with anyone except for trolls and stuff :P you know the deal.. Just answer this topic and ill PM you my skype/teamspeak, whatever you use. Thanks and have fun ;) PS: I'll be probably playing on weekends/ end of the day.
  7. Name: Carlos Age: 15 Skype Name: carlospenacareka.pena2 | shpootnick (team speak) Mic?: Yes Why do you want to join?: To have fun in the dead times. Experience in game: Bought the game in June but havent been playing a lot since now. I am familiar with th big cities and what I soulh be looking for/doing. I can understand the zombies beahviour. Have never shot a sniper ( *sad face*). I usually use 1 Shot to kill zombies. Timezone: GMT +0 Bio: I like to take risks when looting but I ususally am carefull for players. I have a shoot on sight policy depending on the areas although I am not a bandit. I can take orders and follow them without questioning them. Im not a crying baby pre-teenage boy, I am aware about some others of my age that rage but not me though. In game Name: ASUS