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Everything posted by Zachstar

  1. Zachstar

    Using AverMedia LiveGamer Portable

    From what I remember the big issue with those cards is. #1 The hardware compression to H264 is not nearly as good as software (X264) compression. #2 You can't use said hardware compression and capture at the same time in Xsplit unless somthing has changed from back then. That aside it looks like a good external capture solution and I liked their PCi express card's quality. Also keep in mind. If you have a good Quad Core PC. The software compression using Open Broadcast or Xsplit or whatever isn't that bad if you are streaming. What has me considering purchasing this is the portable recording. That could be VERY handy if one is not wanting to set up all the software recording and all that. (Note it requires a class 10 SD card tho which is less common than the kind used in cameras and Nintendo Wii consoles. )
  2. Zachstar

    ameture youtuber with partnership

    Make it interesting to start. If people are going to watch ads to get to your videos there has to be a reason why. Frankie may have scripts or whatever. However his videos are just plain fun to watch. If I want to watch people play DayZ. I would just use Twitch.TV anyway. Also keep on the lookout for stuff that is public domain or creative commons that you can use. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_licenses just make sure that you check to see that it is one that is without the No commercial or NC tag as you obviously intend to make money. One I am looking forward to using myself in the future is this awesome animated DayZ logo that is cc http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/90601-1080p-animated-dayz-logo-free-for-use-on-youtube-etc/
  3. Zachstar

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    Raccoon City
  4. Zachstar

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    What an utterly uneducated post in my opinion. Why bother to post here if you think you won't like SA?
  5. Zachstar

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    I use it due to the limitations of the engine and because I do not have trackIR. Often it is a necessity inside buildings. It needs to stay. Atleast until there is plenty of development time to work on the many issues not using it involves.
  6. Zachstar

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Guys remember that in development there are many branches of a game in development. Just because they are working on something does not mean it has to make it to early public versions. It was already stated that closed testing involves just a few weapons and features for framework testing. They are going to be developing the game throughout 2013. The first public version will come FAR sooner. My guess is March or April.
  7. Zachstar

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    VAC will be far more effective in my opinion. Valve made it when hackers were literally at the point of tearing down sales of the game and HL1 to play Counterstrike and Team Fortress. (Sound familiar to the falling Arma II sales?) They had a DAMN good reason to invest serious resources over the years into making it the king of anti-cheat it is today. There will never be 100 percent. It does not have to be to be the best.
  8. Zachstar

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Minecraft model was when they were simply making a basic game of DayZ that removed the need to have the mod for Arma II. From the dev blogs and interview. That is obviously not the case anymore. Not to mention a buggy version will get DayZ torn apart in the media. WarZ ruined ANY chance of a public "Play this buggy stuff and tell me what needs fixin first" What we will play will be low feature and low bug instead of high feature high bug the closed test team will get to mess with. That is the reality of things and whining about it won't help.
  9. Zachstar

    SA DayZ: No Modifications? [POLL]

    You have no idea how the ARMA II engine works in my opinion.
  10. Awesome info there! Thanks for putting it into a post for us!
  11. Zachstar

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I don't know if it will fit well if there were icons showing where your groupmembers are. But armbands and other clothing aspects that can identify your group are badly needed in my opinion.
  12. Zachstar

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Have you considered this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815100100 AVerMedia Live Gamer HD That is newegg US but perhaps you can find a retailer where you live?
  13. Zachstar

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Those games are not in the same situation as DayZ in the least. Is there any MMO with any kind of real modding? (Not WoW UI Mods) Is there any kind of FPS under a similar situation as DayZ? Games and Game engines that allow modding are not like DayZ. Hacking in CS:GO is stupid and gets one VAC banned for instance. They can ruin a round or two but in DayZ a hacker can screw up hours or days or even weeks worth of work.
  14. Zachstar

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    This. Right now it is kind of unfortunate because by luck all these zombie games are currently in their internal development stages. (Except for Dead Linger which no offense to them is too early in alpha to spend any kind of time playing in) Yet by April/May it is going to be crazy with DayZ and Project Zomboid getting new public alphas perhaps as close as a month from the other. It all changes by late 2013 tho. In my opinion. We have all these Kickstarter and other projects launching their works. There will be so much to do we might forget that DayZ will still be getting alphas and betas out.
  15. Zachstar

    SA DayZ: No Modifications? [POLL]

    All they are saying is that in the end it wont be as open as Arma II. Most likely we will never see Warfare or Domination for DayZ or a Resident Evil Raccoon City Map. Or Half Life 2 weapons. However there is NO evidence in my opinion that we will not see updated version of such works as Tavi in the future. It is just they might have to work with BI to have the map come in through Steam. That is another thing folks. The game is likely to be heavily tied into steam for everything. That by itself is likely a reason to have to get content hosted on it. Yet that is also a GREAT thing for those creating content. It is all standardized. No more hunting for random links to download package after package to play a map or watch your launcher fail to get the right version of a map. If done right Steam just downloads the map for you right then and there and off you go.
  16. Zachstar

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    As said in the correct topic for this. There is no evidence that tools to make content wont come out. I personally suspect there will be a dev version with just the engine and stuff to make the maps and such that can be submitted to be downloaded to clients via steam. Yet it will take some time for that to happen. Remember that even with the delay. SA will be as alpha as it gets. There is no point making content for a game where the engine itself can change on a weekly basis!
  17. Zachstar

    SA DayZ: No Modifications? [POLL]

    Not true. Hackers have a laughable easy time hacking the mod because Arma II was NEVER designed for this kind of operation. DayZ SA has security as one of its highest priorities. Steam, VAC, Serverside, code changes to prevent as many memory hacks. Hacking will never go away. However the sheer level of it in the mod is what was killing DayZ, Not lack of vehicles. And SA will have FAR more places to loot so lack of a vehicle at first is not likely to be the issue it is now.
  18. Zachstar

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    The savings they get from the optimizations they are using for the amazing new visuals in my opinion.
  19. Zachstar

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    You know it is ironic that back then that computer likely cost more (Especially adjusted for inflation) than a monster computer build that could brush off DayZ at ease.
  20. Zachstar

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Thank WarZ for that. The core, basic game play has to be well tested and debugged before it appears on Steam. Otherwise the reviewers will tear it apart trying to appear neutral on the whole thing. Remember that BI had likely financially planned for late December 12 and the obvious influx of funds that would have followed. With ARMA III delayed (My guess the main reason will end up having a complete rewrite of story and another part of earth after the current events.) Many publishers at this point would say "Fuck it let it loose NAO for $$$" As long as they are communicating and remain on full time development (Pretty obvious that is the case if you read the latest dev blog) the wait is worth it. As it will mean extra sales and extra development funds. 2013 is indeed getting off to a slow start. However, Project Zomboid, Dead Linger, Dead State and many other projects will mature later this year. I suspect by the end of the year we will be up to our eyeballs in games and wonder (Where did my peaceful days of speculating on release dates go?) :P
  21. Rocket already stated that most of the diseases planned are more late game types of things. By that time there should be ample time to have scouted around for something remotely decent and not just running with low blood and low vision into a city where you are sniper food. Not to mention with most of the buildings now opened up there is a better chance of running across medical supplies (Maybe not blood bags but other medications) So yes those diseases will make life harder for late game lone wolves. However, It also makes things more fun by adding in things to do. Instead of just nerfs with nothing in return because people keep whining. And I love teamplay. The issue is right now there is no Friend or Foe system and no way to accurately do voice comms between bambi groups without alerting every sniper in the vicinity. (Simple grouping is badly needed to solve this with armbands that cant be cloned, voice comms that cant be heard outside of group ((DONT whine at this. Every major group uses teamspeak so this is just a balancer for bambi groups who badly need it)) and need radios for long range speaking.
  22. If teamplay was the goal for mod. One of the first things to happen would have been a FriendorFoe system added to the mod long ago. And yes the SA will be for me much more than the mod. Just please don't cry when you have to go back to "Easy Mode SA" when the mod servers empty out.
  23. Zachstar

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Absolutely amazing work there rocket! The lighting effects already look a thousand times better than ARMA II and this is just the start of the year! And I am very glad to see that closed testing is getting underway.
  24. Zachstar

    SA DayZ: No Modifications? [POLL]

    Actually I should not be saying that as it could be easily interpreted as saying it actually is the lighting engine. I have no evidence of such. I just remember either in the Tumblr or a tweet mentioning the person that did the Arma III lighting working on DayZ. So that really is just me assuming as such. However think about it. If it IS possible night play quite frankly has an even greater importance to DayZ than ARMA III. I personally would not be surprised if a great deal of effort eventually ends up on the lighting system regardless.