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Everything posted by Kaspa

  1. Only one think left for them to do is to add some cars, or bikes or something. Of course the crafting of these transports would be awesome and finding more parts like car battery, Exhaust's , gas tanks, car tires and so on But that could wait. I would be fun to make a rat style hatchback with no doors :D BWT awesome patch
  2. Kaspa

    Guns in dayz

    I have a question: Where and what kind of weapons you can't find? NOT melee weapons. Because i don't have any idea to find them :d
  3. About using direct cooms to your advantage: My friend, ungeared and freshly spawned, made a guy to drop his weapon, by telling him he has DMR on him :D
  4. More civil guns, maybe more drinks :D Buildable bases
  5. So today i bought SA, and tried to play it. First i wanted to say: why do people whine when they say that is too laggy when they have such rigs with 16Gb ram and i7 cpu's? Mine pc is at the middle of minimum and recomended settings. I have a bit laggy moments, but still it's a enjoyable game. Still, the game is awesome, because the zombies now are more of a danger, because they can run in buildings, so it now that easy to escape zed's now. I still think they should fix the whining of the character. My opinion: It's a good game, but still with bugs. But yeah, it's a alpha.
  6. Kaspa

    How to not be killed on sight

    Maybe the best post i saw. Someone finally stood up for the old player's. I also hate it when 12 year old's, who played only Call of S**t get's killed because running like retard in a middle of electro, and complains about the Kos. It's SURVIVAL GAME. SURVIVAL OF THE FITEST.
  7. One more tip: If you see someone, always try to say that you're friendly. If a player has enouth brain to not shoot on sight, that's a great thing. But still. Very good guide for bambi's
  8. Desktop or laptop? Laptop Monitor resolution: 1366x768 CPU: AMD A6-3420M APU with Radeon HD Graphics Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 7670M RAM:* 3 Gb DDR3 (But uses 2.3) SSD? (Yes/No) No i guess :D P.S I also have a desktop pc, on which i could play, but im gonna to upgrade it. Specs: Monitor: 1920x1080, Intel i3 2.3 Ghz or less, Nvidia Geforce 9500 GT, 4Gb DDR3. About SSD i dont know.
  10. Oh. Thank you for an answer :). I know what alpha mean's and im ready to help. I played the mod for days and i really want to play standalone
  11. Hello So... if i buy now dayz, will i get a access to beta and a full version? Bescause it's not cheap and i want to buy rust too :D
  12. Really awesome group to play with. Very skilled amd mature player's
  13. Kaspa

    Looking for GPS

    Hi. I im a need for GPS. I have: 1x M9sd/no mags( maybe ill find some) 1x Tent
  14. Name: Kasparas Age: 17 TeamSpeak Name: Kaspa Mic?: I have it Why do you want to join?: All the time i played DayZ i was a lone wolf, and after 3 months playing alone i understood that i need a group which i can help out and could have a good time. Experience in game 1-10: 8 Timezone: +2.00 GMT Bio:Well im formo Lithuania (Baltic countries). I like to ride motorcycles, and hang out with friends. In RL i have a Yamaha Xt, which is a awesome motorcycle and a Husquarna TE250, and it's a beast In game Name: Kaspa How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma?For 3-4 months How often do you play a week? 2-3 times a week Any questions about the clan? Do you play in private hive or in pubilc?
  15. Name: Kasparas Age: 17 TeamSpeak Name: Kaspa Mic?: Yes Why do you want to join?: The whole time i played Dayz i was a lone wolf. It starded to be really irritating and boring. Experience in game: 2 and half month Timezone: +2:00 Bio: Im from Lithuania (Baltic countries). I ride motorcycles, and like to go offroad with them. On free time i hang out with friends or play Bf3 or DayZ (In game i have a DMR, NVG's and a Ghillie, all everything needen for a sniper) In game Name: Kaspa
  16. Kaspa

    Intensity's items for trade

    I can give you M9SD/ w no mags for GPS, and for 1-2 DMR mags( If you think M9SD worth for all of this)
  17. Kaspa

    Need M9SD

    I can give you M9SD with no mags, for GPS. PM me if intrested
  18. Kaspa

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Awesome updates. New meele weapon, new foods. I didnt got some thing. So there's beer in dayz now? And you can now make yourself some arrows for crossbow?
  19. Hey Panda. I was whitelisted on your's pervious server. How i can connect to the new server? On Dayz commander when i tipe in the server ip it shows that i cant connect to server. [Edit] First server still runs?
  20. Kaspa

    Is the term "bandit" losing meaning?

    I agree. The electro/cherno snipers just kill on sight and not giving a single f**k. The NWAF snipers kill you if you're a treath to him or you maybe have something he wants. But yeah, i tried to kill on sight, but its not fun.
  21. I have a question. I want to join a whitelisted server and i need a GUID. Where i can find it?
  22. Kaspa

    Where i can find The GUID?

    Well when i type #beclient guid for GUID it shows blank space
  23. I cant get my GUID. I type #beclient GUID but it doesnt shows my GUID
  24. - Name (in game, e.g. Panda) Kaspa - Location (in real life, e.g. England) Lithuania - GUID (please note your GUID is case sensitive, triple check it for any errors before posting) - Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 I want to play in whitelisted server. I have beeen playing in public servers for a month and its getting boring.