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Capt Murphy

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About Capt Murphy

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  1. This is what I don't get. I joined one server once, where I could somewhat see at night. Every other server I join is literally absolute pitch black. Can't see my character, lucky if I can see the night sky at all. I tried the gamma/brightness/hdr thing a couple times since I was sick of trying to find a decent ping server with daylight, but it didn't help at all. I've heard numerous people say the game is playable at night without adjusting settings, I don't see how this is possible? Is night just showing up differently for people?
  2. I'd rather server owners continue to decide the view settings, that we get some options. I don't mind first person, but it feels extraordinarily clunky in some situations and starts to give me a headache if I want to play for a long session. Definitely prefer 3DP for my cross-country trekking. (And yes I have headbobbing and all that turned to minimum/off)
  3. Capt Murphy

    Six Updater download issue

    I installed it a week or two ago and got nothing like what you guys said. (I didn't like it, prefer to manual install instead) Sounds like you got into a bad link somewhere. Got to watch those free filehosts damn close, they will certainly screw you if you don't watch it. Does Worrom's updater still work well? Probably won't do beta patches though.
  4. Capt Murphy

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Thoughts on this? I can easily do this. HOWEVER. There may be a small performance impact from it. EDIT: Actually' date=' it would keep spamming your position. Would have a major performance impact. I could probably write something on this later. But for now, might not be possible. [/quote'] If you could make to where maybe you make a 1-2 noise they investigate and 3+ they go full agro that would be cool. When you get the performance worked out of course.
  5. Capt Murphy

    Tents are NOT crashed helicopters

    I've come across numerous tents where I just take what I want, leave behind my old junk, and the rest of the tent supplies. No reason to be a complete douchebag about it. Assholes doing shit for no reason, no calculated decisions, etc. Makes this game so much worse.
  6. Capt Murphy

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I scoured all of Berezino, looped all the way to Zeleno, hit 3-4 small towns and 5 or 6 farms, no canned food, soda, or matches.
  7. Capt Murphy

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Oh don't be modest. We know your words are scripture and any perceived weaknesses are merely a ploy to deceive us of your Grand Design. Really though, adding some group stuff sounds awesome and will hopefully dent some of this deathmatch bullshit going on. Hopefully some sort of more challenging Zombie related incidents as well. (Eventually eh?)
  8. Capt Murphy

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Bandages don't regenerate blood. I think you may be misunderstanding something. Tell me, if you were to slash your leg open right now, lose fair(nonfatal) amount of blood, then bandage it up. Your body would never regain that lost blood unless you went to a hospital and had a blood transfusion? The best implementation would probably be to greatly reduce the amount of blood you get instantly from eating food in DayZ and just have it come over time as long as you are healthy.
  9. Capt Murphy

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    No' date=' games are too easy nowadays and this is one reason why. [/quote'] As long as your hunger and thirst levels are good, no major wounds, no sicknesses, etc. It would be more realistic to slowly heal up a bit. He's not asking to crouch behind a rock for 15 seconds and be good to go. Get attacked by a bandit/zombie horde? Spend 3 hours getting some strength back. (That would be for a light injury of course)
  10. Capt Murphy

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Bandit skin is being removed, as it should. I'm hoping the Humanity system does its job well. What Suicide Mouse says is dead on. We need something to put some weight on the decision to kill another surviving human being. The current mentality would simply not work in a real apocalyptic scenario. Oh look, you just killed the only living person in this area that knows how to do such and such task.
  11. Capt Murphy

    What graphical settings do you play on?

    Maxed, except AA which I've read has caused problems so I just left it "normal". Haven't check the actual numbers, but its not low enough to bother me. I've read disabling SLI would be give me better performance as well. Will probably test eventually. Seems to hand around like 30% CPU usage and 40% GPU, but my GPU's never clock up all the way. Core Clock seems to stay at around 660 instead of 1250's where most games take it. i5 [email protected] Gigabyte WF 670's SLI