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About ru55lee

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  1. Hello :D. Cant believe so many people were still on at 3;00am!
  2. Its ok, i just restarted my modem and it works now. Odd how it only effected this server.
  3. i cannot get into the game. It gets as far as "wait for host" and just stays on that screen. It worked fine yesterday and other servers work fine
  4. ....can someone please help me. I have tried everything now, Even re-installed Battleye but still not working :(
  5. Yes im in the correct server. I know the majority of the players on that and they are all on it.
  6. Well i got into the lobby but all the slots said AI and all the players were grayed out??
  7. ok i can get into the other uk#10 servers..just not the whitelisted one? Can anyone help...and yes I have been whitelisted as played on it for the last few weeks and last night just fine :D
  8. Hey i still cannot get into the game. I have turned off my computer then restarted dayz commander but it still hangs on the "wait for host". I can see other players joining but its not doing anything for me. It was fine last night.
  9. yes mate, i have closed down dayz commander, re-opened it and still cannot even get into the lobby. I can get into other servers and managed to get into this one just fine last night.
  10. Hey guys, i can't seem to join the server. It says "waiting for host" and stays on that. Any ideas?
  11. Why is the server down? Been checking it for the last 10 mins
  12. hey panda my mate ed isnt whitelisted yet :(. I applied for him when i done my own.